The Columbarium Project

St. George’s tried 3 times to create a columbarium from 1982 to 2010 and failed. The image above was the last effort in 2008. However, the ultimate idea to resume burying parishioners at the church did resume in the form of a scatter garden.

Communicants at St. George’s

Carrol Quenzel lists the number of communicants at St. George’s from 1813-1951 in Appendix B in his history of St. George’s. This article brings the numbers current and considers 8 different periods of communicant growth or decline during St. George’s history.

LGBT at St. George’s

Charles Sydnor added welcoming persons regardless of sexual orientation in 1997 and Jim Dannals participated in administering same sex blessings. Both of them would credit Tom Faulkner with passing on a rich legacy of social activism.

Adult Education during the Dannals’ Years (2005-2013)

The Dannals years saw an expansion in the number of Adult classes, an increasing diversity of both topics and speakers. They reached of a significant number of parishioners with a variety of experiences. Christian Education also extended beyond the traditional Sunday morning experience.

Change is in the Wind

Fletcher Wells in January, 2009 thanks Jannan Holmes, Tracey Hormuth, Eleonore Spears, Lolli Fensterer and Donna Creasy for their work with the Outreach Commission

Parish Profile, 2014

This parish profile was created in the interim period between Jim Dannals leaving in July, 2013 and the arrival of Joe Hensley, 2015.

Parish Profile, 2004

Charles Sydnor left in May 1, 2003. 10 months later in March, 2004, chair of the Search Committee Ed Jones presented the parish profile for approval by the Vestry. This was the culmination of creating parish-wide survey, working with reflection groups and compiling other information. A CD ROM would be inserted in the back page of the color 16 page profile. This CD contained more detailed information about the church, which prospective candidates could review.

This document was on a CD and made into a web site by Earl Baughman.