Editor’s note -This fundraiser came before the Vestry in March, 2010 which was approved. “Anna Black, Director of Youth Ministries, introduced youths David Brunson and Simon Hu to request a youth fundraiser. It would be a variety show to be held in Market Square on May 21, 2010 with 50% of the proceeds going to Sudan, 30% Honduras and 20% to the Youth.”
By Anna Black, Youth Director for the May, 2010 newsletter
“What a wonderful month May was for the youth of St. George’s. The teenagers worked to raise awareness and money for the organization Hope for Humanity, a group that builds school in Southern Sudan where there are 1.5 million school age youth and only one school.
“Our teenagers raised over $300.00 dollars that they gave to the group during the annual Walk for Sudan in Glen Allen, VA. Our teenagers enjoyed the festivities during the Walk for Sudan, which included cultural music, speakers, and presentations about Sudanese villages, people, and education. This event took on special meaning as the youth prepared to send off one of their Sunday School teachers, Larry Duffee, for mission work in Sudan.
“This month the teenagers put a great deal of time into organizing, preparing for, and running the First Annual St. George’s Variety Show! (see photos below) We had a wonderful time and hope you did as well. The youth would like to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone for their hard work in making sure it went off so well. We were thrilled to have so many participants, guests and volunteers. A special thank you goes out to David Bronston who built the stage and helped with the sound system. A big thank you to the many families who graciously donated food and drinks for us to sell at the variety show. Without that generous support we would not have been able to raise over $600 for our charities. What a memorable night! Better start practicing your act for next year!
Editor’s additions of the event- Memories of Jim Dannals playing Beatle songs, Dori Eglevksy, Gay Rahn and Ed Jones involved in “Leader of the Pack”, the teenage rock band of the Brunsons and Hu’s, Ralph Powell and his vocal group, and, of course, Anne Brooks Brauer reading from her dog book with one on hand.