The Steeple View of 1888 in 2020

Looking north west down Princess Anne Street.

Looking east to the Rappahannock River.

Erik F. Nelson, Transportation Administrator for the City of Fredericksburg and Archivist/Records Manager, accompanied Lily C. Eghtessad who is doing a study of the Chatham Bridge to the steeple to get a contemporary view of the Chatham Bridge from the steeple. Here is her work to date from the Free Lance-Star

Photos above are by Lily as well as this one minute panorama video.

After these years, they discovered the that the access of shooting the original pictures was through 4 hatches on each side of the steeple and not through the louvers or by way of scaffolding. The other steeple pictures in 1997, 2009 used scaffolding.

We are not sure why the hatches were added to the steeple (possibly cleaning the gutters which you can see in the video) but it permitted the photography in 1888 and 2020.

The hatches are on the level just below the steeple. Here are outside pictures as well as two pictures showing an inside view.

They were wooden with a copper covering, 2’x 2′. In late 2020, Terry Dorn, junior warden noticed the copper was off on the one from the front. We are searching for piece of copper to replace it. The copper folds over the wooden covering.

Earlier steeple pictures/articles are here:

1. 19th Century 1888 and 1997

2. 2009

3. John Hennessy, Steeple Pictures, Part 1

4. John Hennessy, Steeple Pictures, Part 2