Quenzel – Bibliography, Index – text

Fredericksburg, Virginia. City Council Minutes, 1782-1801, 1829-
1851, 448 pp.; 474 pp. City Manager’s
Law. Corporation Court, 1900-1905,
Book E.
St. George’s Parish, Spotsylvania County. Minutes of the Vestry,
1726-1745 and 1746-1817. 58 unnumbered pp.,
298 unnumbered pp.
—–Protestant Episcopal Church, Fredericksburg. Minutes
of the Vestry, [Books III-VIII], Apr. 17, 1865-
Sept. 19, 1906; Oct. 2, 1906-Mar. 8, 1922; Apr. 17,
1922-Dec. 5, 1927; Jan. 9, 1928-Apr. 24, 1939; June
5, 1939-Jan. 12, 1949; Jan. 21, 1949-June 2, 1950.
Pp. 9-217, pp. 31-121, 107 unnumbered pp., 154
unnumbered pp., 157 unnumbered pp., 46 unnumbered
Spotsylvania County Orders, 1724-1730; 1749-1755.
Boggs, Betty Lewis. Letter to Nannie Scott, June 2, 1869.
Property of Mrs. J. E. Timberlake, Fredericksburg.
Davis, I. S. Letter to Dr. James F. Thompson, June 7,1877. St.
George’s Church Office. Hereafter referred to as Church Office.
Gooch, William. Papers. Virginia Historical Society, II.
Hamilton, Matilda. Letter to her sister Margaret Hamilton
Thornton, Apr. 24, 1849. Longhand copy of this letter copied
in a notebook in the 1870’s. Property of Miss Hamilton’s
great niece, Mrs. John F. Scott, Fredericksburg.
McBryde, Robert J. Letter to A. Wellington Wallace and A. B.
Botts, Sept. 9, 1905. Church Office.
McGuire, Edward Charles. A Spiritual Diary Commenced J anuary
1st, 1819 to May 23, 1831.
363 pp. Property of W. A. Smoot,
Letter to J no. Coakley, Nov. 25,
1841. Pasted on the verso of the
next to the last p. of Vestry Minutes,
[Book III].

76 The History of St. George’s Episcopal Church
Brock, R. A., ed. Documents, Chiefly Unpublished, Relating to
the Huguenot Emigration to Virginia and to the Settlement of
Manakin-Town. . .. (Richmond, Virginia Historical Society,
1886). 247 pp.
Byrd, William. The Writings of “Colonel William Byrd of Westover
in Virginia Esqr,” edited by John Spencer Bassett.
(New York, Doubleday, Page and Co., 1901.) 401 pp.
Calendar of Virginia State Papers, I (Richmond, R. F. Walker,
Supt. of Public Printing, 1875). 613 pp.
Crozier, William Armstrong. Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania
County, 1721-1800. .. (New York, Published for the
Genealogical Association by Fox, Dufjield & Co., 1905.) 576 pp.
Fontaine, John. “Journal oj,” Memoirs of a Huguenot Family:
Translated and Compiled from the Original Autobiography of the
Reverend Jacques Fontaine, by Ann Maury. New York, G. P.
Putnam & Co., 1853. 508 pp.
Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical I-listory of
the United States of America, I, A Narrative of Events Connected
with the Rise and Progress of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
Virginia, to Which is Added an Appendix Containing the Journals
from the Commencement [in 1785] to the Present Time. (New
York, Harper & Brothers, 1836.) 286 pp., 332 pp.
Hening, William Waller, ed. The Statutes at Large of Virginia …
(New York, Philadelphia and Richmond, R. & W. & G. Bristow,
Thomas De Silver, Samuel Pleasants, W. W. Gray et at.,
1814-1823.) 13 vols.
McIlwaine, H. R., ed. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial
Virginia, vols. III-V (Richmond, The
Virginia State Library, Division of Purchase
and Printing, 1928, 1930, 1945). 679 pp.,
555 pp., 604 pp.
Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia,
V-VII. (Richmond [Virginia State Library],
1909, 1910, 1912.) 441 pp. 467 pp., 427 pp.
Perry, William Stevens, ed. Papers Relating to the History of the
Church in Virginia, A. D. 1650-1776. (n.p., Privately printed,
1870.) 585 pp.
Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Virginia. Journals
of the Proceedings of the Council, 1832-1950. (Richmond,
Lynchburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and Petersburg.
Various printers, 1832-1950. Prior to 1867 the annual
Diocesan meeting was known as the Conference, after that
date as the Council).
Robertson, David of Petersburg, Va. Debates and Other Proceedings
of the Convention of Virginia. .. (Richmond, Printed at

Bibliography 77
the Enquirer-Press, For Ritchie & Worsley and Augustine
Davis, 1805.) 477 pp.
Shepherd, Samuel. The Statutes at Large of Firginia, From October
Session 1792, to December Session 1806, Inclusive. (Richmond,
Printed by Samuel Shepherd, 1835-1836.) 477 pp., 512 pp.,
483 pp.
Spotswood, Alexander. The Official Letters of Alexander Spotswood,
Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1710-1722 … with
an Introduction and Notes, by R. A. Brock. (Richmond,
Virginia Historical Society, 1882, 1885.) 179 pp., 368 pp.
Trott, Nicholas. The Laws of the British Plantations in America,
Relating to the Church and the Clergy, Religion and Learning.
(London, Printed for B. Cowse at the Rose and Crown in
St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1721.) 435 pp.
[United StatesJ 55 Congo 2 sess., Doc., CCXLIV. (Washington,
Government Printing Office.)
Virginia. Acts and Joint Resolutions Passed By the General
Assembly of the State of Virginia, at the Session of 1874. (Richmond,
R. F. Walker, Sup’t Public Printing, 1874.) 531 pp.
[Fredericksburg.J Free-Lance Star, Apr. 9, 1941; June 16, 1945.
——-News, Oct. 12, 1858.
——Star, May 23, 1883; Nov. 10, 1886; Jan. 1,
July 15, Oct. 3, 1896; Apr. 30, 1914; Sept. 7, 8,
——-Firginia Star, May 16, June 16, July 21, 1877.
——Weekly Advertiser, July 22, 1854; Oct. 16, 1896.
[Rind’sJ Virginia Gazette, July-Sept., 1768; Jan. 12, June 15,1769.
Virginia Gazette, Dec. 17, 1736.
Association of Research Libraries. A Catalog of Books Represented
by Library of Congress Printed Cards Issued to July 31,
1942, LXXXIV, XC. (Ann Arbor, Mich., Edwards Brothers,
Inc., 1950.) 640 pp., 640 pp.
Brydon, G. MacLaren. New Light Upon the History of the Church
in Colonial Virginia. Richmond, Diocesan
Library, [1941.J 35 pp.
Firginia’s Mother Church and the Political
Conditions Under Which It Grew, I
(Richmond, Virginia Historical Society,
1947.) 571 pp.

78 The History of St. George’s Episcopal Church
Cassell, C. W. et al., ed. History of the Lutheran Church in Virginia
and East Tennessee. (Strasburg, Va., Shenandoah Publishing
House, Inc., 1930.) 401 pp.
Clark, William Meade. St. George’s Cemetery: A Sketch Prepared
in the Interest of the Ladies’ Cemetery Guild of St. George’s
Church, Fredericksburg, Yirginia; and Containing a List of
Burials in St. George’s Cemetery. (Fredericksburg, n.p., 1892.)
12 pp.
Conway, Moncure Daniel. Autobiography, Memories and Experiences
of … I. (London, Cassell and Co., Ltd., 1904.) 404 pp.
Couper, William. One Hundred Years at V. M. I., III. (Richmond,
Garrett & Massie, 1939.) 409 pp.
Diocese of Southern Virginia of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
Journal, 1918. (Norfolk, 1918.)
Freeman, Douglas Southall. George Washington, A Biography,
I. (New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1948.) 549 pp.
Gates, Theodore B. “The Ulster Guard” (20th New York State
Militia) and the War of the Rebellion… (New York, Benj. H.
Tyrrell, 1879.) 619 pp.
Goodwin, Edward Lewis. The Colonial Church in Virginia …
Together with Brief Biographical Sketches of the Colonial Clergy
of Virginia. .. (Milwaukee, Wis., Morehouse Publishing Co.,
1927.) 342 pp.
Goodwin, William A. R. The History of the Theological Seminary
in Yirginia and its Historical Background. (New York, Edwin
S. Gorham, 1923-1924.) 2 vols. 684 pp., 678 pp.
Harrison, Fairfax. Landmarks of Old Prince William. (Richmond,
Privately Printed, The Old Dominion Press, 1924.)
2 vols.
Howe, Henry. Historical Collections of Yirginia. .. (Charleston,
S. c., Published by Babcock & Co., 1845.) 544 pp.
Jones, J. William. Christ in the Camp, or Religion in Lee’s Army.
(Richmond, B. F. Johnson & Co., 1887.) 624 pp.
Kemper, Willis Miller & Wright, Harry Linn, comps. & eds.
Generalogy of the Kemper Family in the United States, Descendants
of John Kemper of Virginia with a Short Historical Sketch
of His Family and of the German Reformed Colony at Germanna
and Germantown, Va. (Chicago, George K. Hazlett & Co.,
1899.) 248 pp.
Meade, Reverend William. Old Churche.s, Ministers, and Families
of Virginia. (Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 186l.) 490 pp.,
496 pp.
1\/{085, Lemuel. Annals of the United States Christian Commission.
(Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1868.) 752 pp.
Packard, Joseph. Recollections of a Long Life, edited by Thomas
J. Packard. (Washington, D. C., Byron S. Adams, 1902.)
364 pp.

Bibliography 79
Quinn S. J. The History of the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
(Ri~hmond, The H~r,?itage Press, Inc., 1908.) 349 pp. .
Robinson, Morgan POltlaux. Vzrg2nta Countus: Those Result2ng
from Virginia Legislation, Bulletin of the State Library, IX,
Nos. 1-3. (Richmond, Davis Bottom, Superintendent of
Public Printing, 1916.) 283 pp.
Slaughter, Philip. A History of St. George’s Parish, in the County
of Spotsylvania and Diocese of Virginia. (New
York, Press of John R. M’Gown, 1847.) 62 pp.
A History of St. George’s Parish, in the County
of Spotsylvania and Diocese of Virginia, Edited
by R. A. Brock, with a Biography of the Author,
and a Continuation, Embracing tke History of
St. George’s and Trinity Churches to the Present
Time. (Richmond, J. W. Randolph and
English, 1890.) 78 pp.
Smith, Edward P. Incidents of the United States Christian Commission.
(Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1869.) 512 pp.
Brydon, G. MacLaren. “Diocesan Beginnings,” in Addresses
Delivered at the Centennial Celebration of
the Diocesan Mi.rsionary Society of the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese
of Virginia. .. May 14th and 15th,
1929…, pp. 39-56. (n.p., n.p., n.d.)
122 pp.
ed. “The Virginia Clergy-Governor
Gooch’s Letters to Bishop of London,”
The Virginia Magazine of History and
Biography, XXXII (July, 1924), 209-236;
(Oct. 1924), 321-337; XXXIII (Jan.,
1925), pp. 51-64.
[Faulkner, Thomas G., Jr.] “Trust Funds for Benevolences,”
Virginia Churchman, LXIII (May, 1949), p. 7.
[Farmer, Warren] “Fredericksburg Personalities,” Free-Lance
Star, July 5, 1938.
Ganter, Herbert, ed. “Documents Relating to the Early History
of the College of William and Mary and to the History of the
Church in Virginia,” William and Mary College Quarterly
Historical Magazine, 2d. ser., XX (Oct., 1940), pp. 524..544.
Henry, Patrick, Sr. “Letters of Patrick Henry, Sr., Samuel
Davies…,” William and Mary College Quarterly Historical
Magazine, 2d., I (Oct., 1921), pp. 261-281.
[Hunter, George L., Jr.] “St. George’s ‘Pillar’,” Virginia Churchman,
LXIII (May, 1949), p. 7.

80 The History of St. George’s Episcopal Church
Kemper, Charles E. “The History of Germantown,” Fauquier
Historical Society Bulletin, No. II (July, 1922), pp. 125-133.
“Lanier, John Jabez,” International Who’s Who … 1912, p.
683. New York, (The International
Who’s Who Publishing Co., 1911).
Religious Leaders of America, II, 1941-
1942, edited by J. C. Schwarz, p. 661
(New York, J. C. Schwarz, 1941.)
“Lewis Family of Warner Hall,” William and Mary College
Quarterly Historical Magazine, X (July, 1901), pp. 48-54.
Mason, George Carrington. “The Colonial Churches of Spotsylvania
and Caroline Counties, Virginia,” Virginia Magazine
of History and Biography, LVIII (Oct., 1950), pp. 442-472.
“Notes Relating to Some of the Students Who Attended the
College of William and Mary, 1753-1770,” William and Mary
College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 2d. Series, I (Jan., 1921),
pp. 27-41.
Ridgeley, Mrs. Jane M. “Genealogy of the Beverley Family,”
Yirginia Magazine of History and Biography, XX (Apr., 1912),
pp. 213-214.
Broadside, To the Pewholders and friends of the Protestant
Episcopal Church, residing in the towns of Fredericksburg,
Falmouth and vicinities, signed by E. C. McGuire, Rector,
R. T. Thorn, J. Metcalfe, Wardens, T. F. Knox, C’lk of the
Vestry, June 27, 1846. Typewritten copy in the possession
of George W. Shepherd, Fredericksburg.
Brydon G. MacLaren. The Organization of Religion Among
the New Settlers. 44 pp. & 20 pp. of footnotes of his forthcoming
Virginia’s Mother Church, II.
Faulkner, Thomas G., Jr. l\1emorandum on Recent Achievements
of the Parish.
Hunter, George L., Jr., Improvement Fund, St. George’s Episcopal
Church, Fredericksburg.
Powell, Dorothy V. McCormick. Colonial Churches in Spotsylvania
County, Virginia. May 15, 1930. 14 pp. Wallace
Library, Fredericksburg.
Wallace, A Wellington. Communion Service of St. George’s
Church, Fredericksburg. Property of Mrs. A. B. Chandler,
J r., Fredericksburg.
Brydon, G. MacLaren.
Letter to Douglas S. Freeman, Jan. 17,
Letters to Carrol H. Quenzel, Jan. 26,
1949, Feb. 17, 1951.

Bibliography 81
Ferguson, George 0., Jr., Registrar of the University of Virginia.
Letter to Carrol H. Quenzel, July 3, 1950.
Green, C. L., Registrar of Washington and Lee University.
Letter to Carrol H. Quenzel, July 11, 1950.
McGowan, S. R., Registrar of Kenyon College. Letter to Carrol
H. Quenzel, Jan. 7, 1949.
Mason, Dr. Hadley Norton. Letters to Carrol H. Quenzel,
May 19, 1950; Feb. 23, 1951.
Meade, Robert D. Letter to Carrol H. Quenzel, May 3, 1949.
Wilson, David c., Registrar, Hampden-Sydney College. Letter
to Carrol H. Quenzel, June 14, 1950.


ACT OF 1714


German Protestants Parish of St. George. No. 39

An Act to exempt certain German Protestants
from the Payment of Levies for
seven Years; and for Erecting the Parish
of St. George.

1. Whereas certain German Protestants, Preamble.
to the Number of Forty-two Persons, or
thereabouts, have been lately settled
above the Falls of the River Rappahanock,
on the Southern Branch of the said

“River, called the Rappidann, at a Place
named Germanna, in the County of
Essex, and have there begun to build
and make Improvements for their Cohabitation,
to the gread Advantage of
this Colony, and the Security of the
Frontiers in those Parts from the Incursion
of the Indians: For the Encouragement
therefore of the said Germans in their
Infant Settlement, Be it Enacted by the Enacted,
Lieutenant Governouf, Council and Burgesses
of this present General Assembly,
and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority

That the Germans now

of the same, That all and every the settled at Germanna shall
Germans now seated at Germanna, shall be free from payment of all
be, and are hereby declared to be free Publick Levies for seven
and discharged from the Payment of all, Years.
and all manner of Publick or County
Levies or Assessments whatsoever, for
and during the Term of Seven Years,
from and after the End of this Session
of Assembly: And if any other German,

84 The History of St. George’s Episcopal Church
or other Foreign Protestants, shall,
within the said Term of seven Years,
settle themselves at Germanna aforesaid,
such German and Germans, and other
Foreign Protestants, shall be free and
discharged from the Payment of all such
Levies for the Term of seven Years,
from the Time of their settling at
Germanna respectively: Provided such
Germans, or Foreigners, who now are,
or who within the said Term of seven
Years, shall settle at Germanna aforesaid,
shall be and continue for so long
Time to cohabit at Germanna. And
if any of the said Germans, or others,
shall depart from the said Settlement of
Germanna, and inhabit any other part
of this Colony, such German and Germans,
and other Foreign Protestants,
leaving the said Settlement, shall be
assessed and pay all such Levies and
Taxes as his Majesty’s Subjects of this
Dominion shall and do pay.
II. And be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid, That the Place
called Germanna, together with a Precinct
of Land thereunto next adjoining, extending
five Miles on each Side of the
said Town or Settlement of Gn’manna,
is and shall be from henceforth a distinct
Parish of itself, and shall be called by
the Name of the Parish of St. George,
and is and shall be divided and exempt
from the Parish of St. Mary in the said
County of Essex, and from all Dependencies,
Offices, Charges and Contributions,
for or in respect thereof, and
from the Cure of the Minister of the
said Parish of St. Mary and his Successors;
and also is and shall be discharged
of all Levies, Oblations, Obventions,
and all other Pa-
And if any other German
01′ Foreign Protestants
shall, within the said Term
of seven years, settle at
Germanna aforesaid shall
be free from all such Levies
for seven Years from the
Time of their settling if
they continue so long at
Germanna. But if they
depart from Germanna
and settle in any other
Part of the Colony, then
to pay the usual Levies and
The Place called Germanna,
to be a distinct Parish, by
the Name of St. George,
divided from the Parish of
St. Mary.

St. George’s Parish Act of 1714 85
No. 39, 40, 41.
The Paf1skioners of St.
George not obliged to pay
any Minister of their
Parish the Salary allowed
by law to the Ministers of
other Parishes, until there
shall be 400 Tytkable
Persons in the said Parish.
Until then to agree with
their Minister as the
GO’IJernouf’ and Council shall
think reasonable.
German Protestants Parish of St. George
rochial Duties w hatsoever, relating to
the said Parish of St. Mary. Provided
always, That the Parishioners of the said
Parish of St. George shall not be obliged
to pay to any Minister or Ministers of
their said Parish, the Salary allowed by
Law to the Ministers of other Parishes
of this Colony, until such Time as there
shall be the Number of Four Hundred
Tythable Persons in the said Parish of
St. George. But the said Parishioners
are and shall be at Liberty, in the mean
time, to agree with their J\/[inister and
Ministers to serve the Cure of their said
Parish, upon such Terms as by the
Lieutenant Governour, or the Governour
or Commander in Chief of this Dominion
for the Time being, with the Advice of
the Council, shall be thought reasonable,
any Law, Statute or Custom to the
contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.
At an Assembly begun
October the 22d, 1712
and continued to N 0-
vember the 1st, 1714.
Trott, Nicholas. The Laws of the British Plantations in America, Relating
to the Church and the Clergy, Religion and Learning (London, Printed for B. Cowse
at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul’s Churchyard, MDCCXXI), pp. 133-134.



Statistics secured from the Journals of the diocesan conferences
or councils.

Year No. of Communicants Year No. of Communicants

1813 Not more than 12

1815 “Upwards of 60”

1816 90

1817 90

1818 Not given

1819 94

1820 100

1821 100

1822 100

1823 106

1824 Not given

1825 103

1826 “Upwards of 100″

1827 100

1828 104

1829 114

1830 Ca. 112

1831 125
1832 188
1833 185
1834 160
1835 160
1836 150
1837 153
1838 150
1839 138
1840 142
1841 143
1842 167
1843 150
1844 150
1845 155
1846 150
1847 152
1848 150

1849 152


152 white
140 white
140 white, 2 colored
160 white
158 white
283 white, 2 colored
300 white, 1 colored
290 white, 2 colored
No report

No report

182 white, 1 colored
220 (including 1


Communicants of St. George’s Church, Fredericksburg 87
Year No. of Communicants Year No. of Communicants
1885 191 1918 244
1886 191 1919 238
1887 183 1920 250
1888 186 1921 242
1889 190 1922 220
1890 172 (including 2 1923 220
colored) 1924 228
1891 194 1925 27l
1892 200 1926 279
1893 202 1927 267
1894 215 1928 273
1895 265 1929 274
1896 260 1930 278
1897 260 1931 285
1898 268 1932 281
1899 257 1933 279
1900 252 1934 281
1901 240 1935 284
1902 264 1936 282
1903 267 1937 290
1904 254 (including 1938 296
colored) 1939 308
1905 255 1940 312
1906 251 1941 319
1907 252 1942 324
1908 225 1943 312
1909 224 1944 334
1910 239 1945 346
1911 239 1946 37l
1912 232 1947 370
1913 231 1948 414
1914 242 1949 437
1915 240 1950 452
1916 233 1951 479
1917 247

1. Reverend Theodosius Staige, from 1726, to November, 1728.
During a vacancy of four months, the Reverend Mr. De Butts
preached seven sermons.
2. Reverend Rodham Kenner, from March, 1729, to October,
1730. During a vacancy of two years and three months,
Mr. Kenner preached once a fortnight, and the Reverend
Francis Peart preached eleven sermons.
3. Reverend Patrick Henry, from January, 1733, to April,
1734. During the vacancy, the Reverend Mr. Smith preached
two sermons. Reverend Mr. Smith was proposed to the
vestry by the governor, but the vestry would not accept
him, October, 1734.
4. Reverend James Marye, from October, 1735, to April 25,
5. Reverend James Marye, Jr., from January 26,1768 to 1780.
6. Reverend Thomas Thornton, from January, 1788, to July,
7. Reverend John Woodville, from January, 1792, to December,
8. Reverend James Stephenson, from April, 1794, to July, 1805.
9. Reverend Abner Waugh, from January, 1806, to July, 1806.
10. Reverend Samuel Low, Sr., from July 15, 1808, to April,
,1810. A vacancy of eighteen months. One year of this
time, Mr. Low, living in King George County, preached
once in every three weeks.
11. Reverend George Strebeck, from November 19, 1811, to
February, 1813. Vacancy of eight months.
12. Reverend Edward C. McGuire, October 3, 1813, to October
8, 1858.
13. *Reverend Alfred M. Randolph, October, 1858, to November,
14. Reverend Magruder Maury, December, 1864, to April 24,
*Randolph was acting rector of St. George’s until he was ordained priest in

Rectors of St. George’s Parish, Fredericksburg 89
15. Reverend Edward C. Murdaugh, October 1, 1871, to April 6,
16. Reverend Robert J. McBryde, July 2, 1877, to April, 1883.
17. Reverend John K. Mason, May 15, 1883, to December 1,
18. Reverend William Meade Clark, December, 1890, to August
31, 1896.
19. Reverend William D. Smith, January 3, 1897, to 1905.
20. Reverend Robert J. McBryde, November 1, 1905, to October
1, 1912.
21. Reverend John Jabez Lanier, January, 1913, to February 27,
22. Reverend Dudley Boogher, April, 1923, to April 9, 1941.
23. Reverend J. Sullivan Bond, May, 1942, to July 15, 1945.
24. Reverend Thomas G. Faulkner, Jr., February, 1946-


FROM 1726 TO 1951

(The name of each member is inserted, with the date of his
first election. The list of vestrymen to 1847 is from
Slaughter, 1847, and the form of each name he used
has been retained)

1725-6 1739

Augustine Smith Wm. Robinson
William Grayson
John Waller 1741
Thomas Chew
George Wheatle Rice Curtis

William Hansford William Ba ttaley

H. Sharpe John Taliaferro, Jr. (vice J.T.,
John Taliaferro deceased)

1726-7 1741

Francis Thornton Richard Tutt (vice, Grayson,

1728 John Thornton
Goodrich Lightfoot Rice Curtis, Jf.
Larkin Chew

Z. Lewis 1745
Hon. John Robinson

Wm. Waller
Mar. 1728-9

Henry Beverly
Edward Herndon (collector)

Ambrose Grayson 1749
Robert Jackson


Henry Beverly 1751
Edward Hickman John Spotswood


John Chew } Fielding Lewis

F. Taliaferro Churchwardens

1733 1757
John Waller, Jr. Joseph Brock

Vestrymen of St. George’s Parish, From 1726 to 1951 91
1759 1785
Roger Dixon J. W. Willis
Richard Brooke James Lewis
Charles Lewis G. Stubblefield
Benjamin Ballard
1760 Thomas Sharpe
Charles Carter
1762 John Legg
John Lewis Charles Mortimer
Charles Urquhart
1766 Benjamin Day
Charles Washington 1789
Wm. Dangerfield
Francis Thornton, Jr.
1768 George Weedon
Ed. Carter
Charles Dick R. B. Chew
Joseph Jones George French
Edward Herndon W. S. Stone
1770 1790
Thomas Fox John Herndon
Lewis Willis Thomas Strachan
Thomas Colson Ed. Herndon
Thomas Minor Beverly Stubblefield
Michael Robinson John Welch
William Wood Edward Herndon, Jr.
James Tutt John Wright
1779 1791
Mann Page William Stanard
George Thornton
William Lovell
1784 Charles Yates
David Blair
Thomas Strachan Samuel Greenhow
John Chew Fontaine Maury
John Steward
Thomas Crutcher 1794D. Branham
John Julian Elisha Hall

92 The History of St. George’s Episcopal Church
James Brown
William Taylor
John Chew
Hugh Mercer
Godlove Heiskell
Thomas Goodwyn
William Smith
Robert Patton
David Henderson
David C. Ker
Jacob Kuhn
John Minor
Charles L. Carter
William S. Stone
Benjamin Botts
John Scott
John Lewis
Dabney Herndon
John Taliaferro
Z. Lucas
Robert Wellford, M.D.
James Smock
John Smith, Jr.
William Bernard
G. W. B. Spooner
James Carmichael, M.D.
Horace Marshall
Robert S. Chew
Francis Taliaferro
Robert Lewis
Churchill Jones
George Hamilton
J ohn Mundell
Alexander F. Rose
R. Johnston
John Crump
Charles Austin
William A, Knox
John Gray
R. T. Thorn
John Hart
William F. Gray
William Storke
F. J. Wyatt
John Metcalfe
John T. Lomax
H. O. Middleton
Larkin Johnston
George Rothrock, Jr.
Yeamans Smith
Thomas H. Hanson

Vestrymen of St. George’s Parish, From 1726 to 1951 93
1828 1837
Archibald Hart (vice, Robert R. B. Maury
William M. Blackford (vice,
H. Mercer)
G. W. Basset (vice, A. Hart)
Murray Forbes (vice, W. A.
E. H. Carmichael
Thomas F. Knox
John Coakley
James Cooke
R. C. L. Moncure
William Pollock
J. B. Ficklin
1847 to 1865
Slaugh~er, 1890J pp. 66-69
John Coakley John F. Scott
Reuben T. Thorn F. W. Johnston
Thomas F. Knox Alexander K. Phillips
James Cooke Elliott M. Braxton
William Pollock William T. Hart
J. J . Young Monroe Kelly
Douglas H. Gordon Dr. W. S. Scott
Dr. Brodie S. Herndon Charles E. Tackett
R. C. L. Moncure Horace B. HaH
W. S. Barton J. Temple Doswell
Murray Forbes A. Wellington Wallace
J. B. Ficklen H. S. Doggett
Montgomery Slaughter J. F. Thompson
John R. ‘taylor J. Arthur Taylor
Robert Minor David Sterling Forbes
John S. Hayes A. B. Tapscott
John Waterhouse P. P. Burr
William Henry Fitzhugh John G. Mason
Robert T. Knox

94 The History of St. George’s Episcopal Church
April 17, 1865
Reuben T. Thorn, Senior
John S. Hayes, Junior Warden
William Pollock
James Cooke
Thomas F. Knox
John Coakley
April 24, 1865
William T. Hart (vice, John
Coakley, resigned)
July, 1865
Alexander K. Phillips (vice,
Dr. James Cooke)
August 16, 1865
John Coakley (vice, Dr. John R.
Douglas H. Gordon
Joseph B. Ficklen
John James YO1.;;;-g
Montgomery Slaughter
Dr. John R. Taylor
Dr. Brodie S. Herndon
August 28, 1865
Dr. Fayette W. Johnstone (vice,
Wm. Pollock, deceased)
April 9, 1866 . March 29, 1869
Captain Robert D. Minor,
Treasurer and Registrar
John Waterhouse, new member
April 22, 1866
William H. Fitzhugh
Wm. S. Barton, new members
June 7, 1866
Dr. James Cooke (vice, Captain
R. D. Minor, removed from
May 11,1868
John F. Scott (vice, R. T.
Nov. 30, 1868
Wm. Henry Fitzhugh, Warden
John Coakley, Senior Warden
Wm. H. Fitzhugh, Junior
F. W. Johnstone, Treasurer
Hon. R. C. L. Moncure, new
Major Elliott M. Braxton, new
April 13, 1874
Monroe Kelly, of Falmouth
(vice, J. B. Ficklen, Sr.,
Dr. Wm. S. Scott (vice, Dr.
J as. Cooke, deceased)
Charles E. Tackett (vice, John
• Coakley, deceased J1., 1874)

Vestrymen of St. George’s Parish, From 1726 to 1951 95
April 3, 1875
Thomas F. Knox, Senior
John J. Young, Junior Warden
F. W. Johnstone, Treas.
Monroe Kelly, Registrar
J. B. Ficklen, Jr., (vice, Wm. H:
Aubin D. Tapscott, new
April 17, 1876
Dr. James F. Thompson
Horace B. Hall, new member
April 21 1877
Dr. J. F. Thompson, Registrar
Hon. E. M. Braxton, resigned
August 6, 1877
Hugh S. Doggett (vice, Dr.
F. W. Johnstone, resigned)
Hon. E. M. Braxton (vice,
W. H. Fitzhugh, resigned)
John James Young, Treasurer
Oct. 1, 1877
Major J. T. Doswell (vice,
W. S. Barton, resigned)
Nov. 5, 1877
Marshall C. Hall, Treas. (vice,
John J . Young, resigned)
Dec. 3, 1877
A. Wellington Wallace (vice,
Monroe Kelly)
April 18, 1881
J. Arthur Taylor (vice, A. Wellington
Wallace, resigned)
April 10, 1882
David Sterling Forbes (vice,
J. B. Ficklen, Jr., resigned)
March 26, 1883
Judge A. Wellington Wallace
Peter P. Burr, new member
April 4, 1884
Douglas H. Knox (vice, M. C.
Hall, resigned)
April 11, 1887
John G. Mason (vice, P. P.
Burr, died Aug. 20, 1866)
April 2, 1888
Robert T. Knox (vice, John G.
Mason, resigned)
April 7, 1890
John J ames Young, Senior
Warden (vice, Thomas Fitzhugh
Knox, resigned)
RobertT. Knox, Junior Warden,
also Chairman of Committee
of Arrangements for the 95th
Council of the Protestant
Episcopal Church of Virginia,
held in St. George’s
Mar. 30, 1891
Magnus M. Lewis, Sf. (vice,
Alexander K. Phillips, resigned)
Apr. 18, 1892
Randolph Fitzhugh (vice, Elliott
M. Braxton, deceased)

96 The History of St. George’s Episcopal Church
Nov. 26, 1896
Frank W. Smitli (vice, James T.
Doswell, deceased)
Apr. 11, 1898
Albert B. Botts, Sr. (vice,
]. A. Taylor)
Apr. 3, 1899
James Parke Corbin (vice,
Frank W. Smith, resigned)
Apr. 16, 1900
W. C. Stearns (vice, Hugh S.
Doggett, deceased)
Apr. 8, 1901
Judge R. H. L. Chichester
(vice, John J. Young, deceased)
July 20, 1902
Edward ]. Smith (vice, Randolph
Fitzhugh, deceased)
Oct. 7, 1903
Judge Alvin T. Embrey (vice,
W. C. Stearns)
A. Randolph Howard (vice,
A. D. Tapscott)
May 7,1904
Arthur P. Thornton (vice, R. T.
Knox, Sr., resigned)
Nov. 7, 1904
A. D. Tapscott (vice, James
Parke Corbin, deceased)
Apr. 12, 1909
Edgar M. Young (vice, D. S.
Forbes, deceased)
Feb. 26, 1912
George W. Shepherd (vice,
A. D. Tapscott, deceased)
May 2,1912
Dr. C. Mason Smith (vice,
Edward J. Smith, deceased)
A. Hansford Wallace (vice,
Dr. James F. Thompson,
Nov. 3, 1912
Alvin Hundley
Mar. 24, 1913
Capt. R. Conroy Vance (vice,
A. Randolph Howard)
Fall, 1913
]. Bowie Gray (vice, Dr. Horace
B. Hall)
Feb. 24, 1916
Houston K. Sweetser (vice,
Albert B. Botts, deceased)
Dec. 9,1919
Frank M. Chichester (vice,
R. H. L. Chichester)
Apr. 5, 1920
C. Archer Smith
Wistar W. Braxton (vice, Capt.
Conroy Vance)
Dec. 18, 1922
William K. Goolrick (vice, Judge
A Wellington Wallace, resigned
as of Jan. 1, 1923)
Sept. 7, 1925
A. F. Turner (vice, Dr. C. Mason
Smith, resigned)

Vestrymen of St. George’s Parish, From 1726 to 1951 97
Jan. 13, 1931
George L. Hunter, Jr. (vice,
J. Bowie Gray)
Jan. 11, 1932
W. T. Pratt (vice, A. Hansford
Wallace, resigned)
Aubin C. Wooding
Charles H. Lewis
Jan. 4, 1937
Coalter B. Carmichael (vice,
Arthur P. Thornton, deceased)
Jan., 1938
Magnus M. Lewis, Sr. deceased)
Jan. 9, 1939
Thomas L. J enkins (vice, Wistar
W. Braxton, deceased)
Walter N. Chinn, J-.
Jan. 26, 1942
Branch Spalding (vice, Aubin
C. Wooding)
Sept. 8, 1942
C. M. Cowan (vice, Branch
Spalding, resigned)
Jan. 8, 1945
R. T. K. Cornwell
Curtis Backus
A. W. Embrey, Jr.
Mar. 4, 1946
W. E. Biscoe
Walter N. Chinn, Jr.
Dr. W. W. Butzner
Jan. 20, 1947
Lloyd Q. Moss
Thomas H. Jenkins
Dr. Thomas B. Payne __
Magnus M. Lewis, Jr. –
Jefferson Proctor
Apr. 2, 1947
Charles Wa ttleworth (vice,
R. T. K. Cornwell)
Jan. 21, 1948
Charles Wattleworth
C. M. Cowan
Dr. G. B. Harrison
William G. Bond
Charles H. Lewis
Jan. 12, 1949
Cecil L. Reid
Walter N. Chinn, Jr.
A. W. Embrey, Jr.
William E. Biscoe
A. F. Turner
June 3, 1949
Dr. W. W. Butzner (vice,
G. B. Harrison, deceased)
Jan. 23, 1950
Dexter Hubbard
Dr. Gordon W. Jones
William K. Goolrick
T. S. Morrison
J. E. Rowell
Jan. 29, 1951
R. L. Mount
George L. Hunter, Jr.
Houston K. Sweetser
Richard Nunn Lanier
Otis G. Brooks



Botts, Albert B., Sr., Apr. 11, 1898-1916, 18 years.
Braxton, Wistar W., Apr. 5, 1920-Apr., 1938, 18 years.
Chichester, Frank M., Dec. 9, 1919-0ct., 1946, 25 years.
Chichester, R. H. L., Apr. 8, 1901-Dec. 9, 1919, 18 years.
Embrey, Alvin T., Oct. 7, 1903-1919, 16 years.
Forbes, David Sterling, Apr. 10, 1882-1909, 27 years.
Goolrick, William K., Dec. 18, 1922-Jan. 12, 1949, Jan. 23, 1950,

26 years.
Gray, J. Bowie, Fall, 1913-Fall, 1930, 17 years.
Hall, Horace B., died Aug., 1913, 50 years.
Hunter, George L., Jr., Jan. 13, 1931-Jan. 12,1949, Jan. 29, 1951-,

18 years.
Lewis, Charles H., Jan. 11, 1932-J an. 20, 1947, Feb. 6, 1948-,

18 years.
Lewis, Magnus M., Sr., Mar. 30, 1891-Sept. 12, 1937, 46 years.
Shepherd, George W., Feb. 26, 1912-Jan. 12, 1949, 37 years.
Smith, C. Archer, Apr. 5, 1920-Jan. 8, 1945, 24Yz years.
Sweetser, Houston K., Feb. 24, 1916-Jan. 12,1949, Jan. 29, 1951-,

33 years.
Tapsc·ott, Aubin D., Mar. 26, 1883-0ct. 7, 1903, Nov. 1904-1911,

27 years.
Thompson, James F., Apr. 21, 1877-Apr., 1912, 36 years.
Turner, A. F., Sept. 7, 1925-Jan. 20, 1947, Jan. 12, 1949, 23 years.
Wallace, A. Hansford, May 2, 1912-Jan. 11, 1932, 19Yz years.
Wallace, A. Wellington, Dec. 3, 1877-Apr. 18, 1881, Mar. 26,

1883-Dec. 31, 1922, 42 years.
Young, Edgar M., Sr., Apr. 12, 1909-0ct. 24, 1944, 35Yz years.

NOTE: W. T. Pratt served on the vestry from Jan. 11, 1932, to March 4-,
1946, and thus failed to serve 15 years by just a matter of months.

0 0 g ~ 0 ~ ~ ill ;: ;;:
Do.k Pulpit D”k
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,; 711 • • Table ~ :l IE
‘”‘ ” 8~ ! ‘”
” •,; ,; e.2 Pews sold Church partially burnt. ” ‘”‘ )l
)l ‘”‘ :’0 April 23d, 1849. July 1854.
Chancel § g; ~
~ ~ ~ –
Communion Rail
.~ .”,.
1i1’ ..r
5 J. Coakley Capt. Hamilton 72 73 R. C. L. Moncure Dr. Wm. Browne “1315 $385 $310 $340
6 M.R.Crump Dr. J. B. Hall 70 71 Miss Agnes Gray P. Goolriek “$295 $395 St. G. R. Fitzhugh $390 $275
7 A. QQodwin M. Forbea 68 69 Mrs. Scott Geo. B. Scott “$295 $400 Dr. Wm. S. Scott $385 ‘280
8 Mrs. J. R. Harrison D. H. Gordon 66 67 Mrs. F. Scott Dr. H. Morson 93
$320 $405 C. Wistar Wallace Mrs. Allen $385 $295
9 Thos. Pratt Misses Fitzhugh 64 B5 J. F. Scott A. K. Phillips 92
$310 $415 J.P. Corbin $400 1300
10 M. Slaughter Dr. J. H. Wallace 62 63 Hugh Scott Benj. Temple 91
1325 $400 A.W.W. B. S. Herndon $400 $290 A. B. Botts
11 Mrs. V. Carmichael W. K. Gordon 60 61 S. Phillips m <:l p... ~.~" 90 $245 $400 Dr. A. C. Doggett 1370 $245'-'·A.B~Botts, Sr 12 Mrs. A. S. Hayes H. Fitzhugh 58 59 Jno. Hart C. S. Scott 89 $275 $385 $360 $245 13 Dr. B. S. Herndon T. F. Knox " 57 Miss Jane Hart H. B.Hoomes 88 $290 1370 E. M. Braxton $360 $265 14 Mrs. J. B. Gray T. F. Knox " " JnD. L. Chinn Misses Pearson 87 $290 $370 $355 $265 15 Dr. J. Cooke Dr. J. G. Wallace 52 53 Wm. Pollock W. H. Cunningham 86 8280 $360 $330 $255 16 W. C. L Rothrock Dr. J. R. Taylor 50 51 Capt. J. Rudd J. J. Young 85 Robt. Hall $230 $340 $325 $230 17 F.J. Wiatt Y. Smith 48 49 J. M. Whittemore T. H.Botts 84 $255 $325 J. Z. Stansbury $300 $225 18 W. R. Mason, Jr. Y. Smith 46 47 F. Slaughter Duff Green 83 $240 $325 Dr.W.M.Smith $290 $225 19 J. W.Johnston Dr. Carmichael 44 45 J. W.Lucas Miss Goodwin 82 $230 $300 $300 $225 20 N. Fitzhugh J.J.Berrey 42 43 J. H. Roberts Dr. Mason 81 $225 $280 F. W. Johnston $270 $225 21 Jane H. Dickinson R. D. Minor 40 41 M. A. Blankman J. Galleher 80 $225 $255 $245 $225 22 Mrs. Ellis Paul Clay 38 39 Mrs. A. J. Fitzhugh Jno. Minor 79 $255 $225 $200 $200 Buck Mrs. Smo~ 78 Where there is a lower name on a pew, it is generally that of a subsequent purchaser. ApPENDIX G MEMORIAL WINDOWS IN ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Window over altar. In memory of Reverend Edward C. McGuire. Window in memory of Mary Ball Washington, died August 25, 1789, given by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Window in memory of Alexander Keene Phillips, born 1805, died 1892; Annie Douglas Phillips, born 1835, died 1913, given in 1914 by their children, Mary Phillips Warner, Alexander Keene Phillips, Jr., Nannie Phillips Wheeler, Jane Phillips Myers. Window in memory of R. C. L. Moncure, born 1805, died 1882, and Mary Conway Moncure, born 1807, died 1895. /. t~{i/"r Window in memory of Lawrence Ashton, M.D., given in i iftn \I 1917 by his wife, Nannie Green Ashton. ~ , Window in memory of Rawleigh W. Downman, born 1860, died 1881, and James H. Downman, born 1862, died 1911, given in 1912 by their mother, Mary Hayes Downman. All of the remaining cathedral glass windows were a gift at Easter, 1908, from Mrs. Victoria Stevens Wallace. Stained glass window, a $5,000 bequest of Mrs. William Russell Hoyt nee Louise Lallande, in memory of her mother, Sue Young Lallande, daughter of the late John J. Young, long time vestryman; her young brother, John James Lallande, who died as a small boy of yellow fever; herself; and her first husband, Lindley Murray Ferris. This window was fabricated and installed by Wilbur H. Burnham~ Boston, Massachusetts and dedicated on Sunaay, May 30, 19 3, by the Reverend J. Sullivan Bond, Jr., rector. ApPENDIX H BURIALS IN ST. GEORGE'S GRAVEYARD Inscriptions copied in 1940 by Mr. George H. S. King who has graciously consented to their publication. The notes are also Mr. King's Allen, Mary "In Memory of MARY . daughter of James and Elizabeth Allen Born July 25 1801 Died August 4th 1836 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth Yes Saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." Allen, William & Ann Turner "William Allen Died 1866 and his wife Ann Turner Allen Died 1875." Ashby, William M. "William M. Ashby son of Vivian & Margaret Died May 31st 1815 Aged 1 Mo: and 15 da." Baggott, James "In Memory of JAMES BAGGOTT a native of this town Born 5th of June 1764 Died 1st of March 1825 Much lamented by those who knew him best." Bailey, Chester "Sacred to the Memory of Chester Bailey who was born in Wallingford in Connecticut August 12, 1769 and departed this life March 22, 1841 in 72 year of his age." Ball, R. W. "R. W. Ball, only child of Major Cyrus and Fedelia Ball of Lancaster County, Virginia. Died February 17, 1826 Aged 17 years and 5 months." Barton, Edward Seth "Sacred in Memory of Edward Seth Barton second son of Thomas R. & Susan C. Barton who departed this life on the 6th of December 1823 aged 2 years and 21 days." Barton, Seth "Here lies an affectionate parent & sincere friend SETH BARTON Was born near Warren, Rhode Island July 29 A.D. 1755, and died at his seat near Fredericksburgh, December 29 A.D. 1813, Aged 58 years and 5 months." Benson, Mrs. Eleanor "To the Memory of Mrs. Eleanor Benson who de parted this life the 22nd of May 1799 Aged 38 years." 102 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church Berry, John Scott "Entered into this life December 7, 1841 John Scott Berry son of Lawrence M. & Ann Scott Berry Entered into life eternal Sunday morning Sept. 26, 1920 A sinner saved by grace." [Error for Lawrence W. Berry, his father; their tombstones are side by side.] Berry, Lawrence W. & Anne M. "In memory of Lawrence W. Berry. Born on the 13th day of Dec. 1792 and Died on 3d February 1846. And near are the remains of two infant children John in his third year and Catherine in her fifth year. On the left Anne M. Berry the wife & Mother Born June 16, 1801 Died Sept. 28, 1872." Beverly, Carter "Carter Beverly Born at Blandfield Essex County Va. 15 of Aug: 1774 Died F** 10, 1844." Blakey; Mrs. Maria Ann "Sacred to the Memory of Maria Ann wife of James G. Blakey who departed this life Aug, 14, 1845 aged 42 years & 2 months." Boughton, Benjamin "BENJ: BOUGHTON AGED 65 Died 3d June 1842." Carlin, Mrs. M. J. "GRANDMA Mrs. M. J. Carlin entered into rest April 4, 1885 in the 76th year of her age." [Lone tombstone within iron fence enclosure on gate of which is "J. M. Whittemore." The Historical sketch of 1892 lists her name as Mrs. Mary Jane (Chewning) Carlin.] Carter, Elizabeth "In memory of ELIZABETH daughter of Edwin & Elizabeth E. P. Carter who died April 29th 1833 Aged 2 months & 20 days." Carter, Elizabeth Edmondson "In Memory of Elizabeth Edmondson daughter of Edwin & Elizabeth E. P. Carter who died Sept. 13th 1840 Aged 16 months & 2 days." Chew, Mrs. Ann "SACRED TO THE MEMORY of ANN CHEW Relict of Capt. John Chew who died Oct. 7th 1821 in the 67th year of her age. Few Females were more eminantly [sic] distinguished for correctness of deportment and ... practice of all the christian virtues. [She] was Conjugal as a widow, exemplary as a [M]other fond and affectionate as a neighbour, charitable and kind as a friend, steady and sincere. Into thy hands I Burials in St. George's Graveyard 103 commend my spirit For thou has redeemed me, 0 Lord God of Truth." Chew, Miss Lucy "In memory of MISS LUCY CHEW daughter of the late John Chew, Esquire, of Spotsylvania. Died on the 5th October 1815. Go spotless honor and unsullied truth Go smiling innocence Go soft humanity that blessed the poor Go saint and patience Go modesty that never wore a frown To virtue and receive the Heavenly Crown." Coakley, Catherine "In Memory of CATHERINE the daughter of John and Mary Coakley who departed this life August 24, 1811 Aged 8 years and 2 months." Coakley, Mrs. Elizabeth "Sacred to the Memory OF ELIZABETH COAKLEY Relict of JOHN COAKLEY Died March 11, 1890." [The Historical Sketch (1892) gives her age as 80 years.] Coakley, John "Entered into Rest JOHN COAKLEY Born Feb. 14, 1805 Died July 2, 1874." Coakley, John "In Memory of JOHN, son of John & Mary Coakley who departed this life July 21st 1795 Aged 3 Years and 1 Month." Coakley, Mary "SACRED to the memory of MARY, daughter of John & Elizabeth Coakley who departed this life June the 7, 1867 in the 28 year of her age." C., E. 1814 E. C. [The small stone so marked is immediately adjacent to the handsome tomb of Judge John Coalter.] Coalter, John "This stone is erect- ed in Memory of JOHN COALTER of Chatham. Of humble origin, he rose to eminence Less by the display of uncommon talents than by moral worth. By an integ- rity that none ever questioned. A fide- lity that evaded no duty. A firmness that defied a like temptation and danger. And a sincerity simp- licity and kindness of nature That won the hearts of all who approached him. The records of his country testify the honourable posts 104 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church which he filled. Of his private virtues all who knew him can speak. But the Depth of his unpretending goodness is known only to the God whom he worshipped in the secret of his own heart. While in every act of his life he served him openly. To him who gave it the Spirit has returned. The dust lies here. His children have placed this Stone To record his virtues to his children's children. He was born in Rockbridge, Virga Aug, 20th 1769 And died at Chatham, near this place Feb. 2nd 1838. Touching this spot lie the Remains of St. George Tucker Coalter, Esq only son of John Coalter, who followed his Father to the grave before this tomb was completed. He died August 19, 1839, Aged 30 years 2 Months and 7 Days. A son worthy of such a father." Coalter, St. George Tucker "St. George Tucker Coalter Born June 2, 1809 Died August 19, 1839." [Small stone near John Coalter's.] Colson, Charles "Charles Colson Died the 17th May 1770 Aged 66." Cooke, Mrs. Emily M. "In Memory of Emily M. Cooke wife of Dr. James Cooke Born 12th November 1799 Died 1st July 1832." [Adjacent to Wm. Pearson's tombstone, he being her father.] Cox, Elizabeth M. "In Memory of ELIZABETH M. wife of George Cox who died March 15th 1831 Aged 52 years Also of ELIZA daughter of the above George & Elizabeth Cox who died August 8th 1805 aged 14 months." Dandridge, Colonel John "Here lied interred the Body of Colonel John Dandridge of New Kent County who departed this life the 31st day of August 1756, Aged56 years." Downman, Joseph Henry "JOSEPH HENRY infant son of Wm. Yates and Mary Ann Downman Died March 26, 1857 aged 4 days." Duffel, Samuel Leonard "In Memory of Samuel Leonard Duffel son Burials in St. George's Graveyard of Edwd• & Elizabeth Duffel who Departed this life 27th June 1803 Aged one year 7 Months & 2 days." Duffel, Samuel "In Memory of Samuel, son of James & Rebecca Duffel who died 20th August 1806 aged 3 Months." Duncanson, James "Here lies The Body of James Duncanson He was born in Scotland the 11th February 1735 Arrived in Virginia in July, 1752 Died the 4th March 179l. 'Weed his Grave clean ye Men of Goodness For he was your Brother.' " Duncanson, Mrs. Mary "Here lies The Body of Mary the beloved Wife of James Duncanson She was born the 3d FebY• 1748 Died the 10th October 1790." Edrington, Priscilla "In memory of Priscilla Edrington wife of Edmund Edrington of this Town She was born the 10th Oct'. 1777 & Died the 10th of June 1801 Aged 23 years and 8 months." [Churchyard behind church] Fisher, James "]ames Fisher died * September 1792 Aged * Months & 15 days." ['These figures could not be deciphered with certainty. The entire face has disintegrated to the extent that at the first glance it appears to be devoid of any letter.] Ford, John T. "SACRED To the Memory of JOHN T. FORD ESQ' who departed this life June the 30th 1824 in the 44th year of his age. He possessed a mind of the first order, a temper mild and benevolent and feelings exquisite and honourable. A purer spirit never left this earthly tenement to inhabit the mansions of immortality." Fox, Samuel "In Memory of Samuel Fox who departed this Life March 13th 1801 aged 72 years." [Stone rapidly disintegrating.J Garts, Margaret "Margaret Garts Born Sept. 29th 1766 Died' , * [1789]" ['The death date is imbedded in ground. 105 106 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church The Historical sketch of 1892 gives [1789] as the date then appearing. On either side of this tomb are stones, once lettered, now totally obliterated.] Goodwin, Ann Maria "In Memory of OUf Mother Ann Maria Goodwin Born February 18th 1775 Died March 18th 1849. Her record is on high." [She was nee Smith, daughter of William Smith (1746-1802) and Mary (1750- 1822) his wife." Mrs. Anna Maria (Smith) Goodwin's tombstone is adjacent to her parents, and the several other Goodwin tombstones are in the same row.] Goodwin, Casper Wister "Sacred to the memory of Casper V\Tister, son of Littleton and Ann Maria Goodwin, who departed this life at 'Woodla'wn', Spotsylvania County, on New Year's morning, 1851, aged 13 years and 5 months. Be ye therefore ready For the son of man cometh at an hour That ye think not." Goodwin, Elizabeth "In Memory of ELIZABETH the infant daughter of Thomas & Ann M. Goodwin who departed this life at 6 o'clock on the Morning of the 3rd September 1813 Aged 1 year, 5 months and 27 days. Sleep sweet Babe with angels sleep." Goodwin, John Harwood "Erected by an affectionate wife to the memory of her Lamented Husband JOHN HARWOOD sixth son of T. & A. M. Goodwin Born on the 29th Dec' 1806 and departed this life the 1st of January 1842 aged 35 years and 2 days." Goodwin, Mary "In Memory of Mary Goodwin Born Sept. 17, 1809 Died June 26, 1882." Goodwin, Thomas "In Memory of THOMAS the third son of Thomas and Ann M. Goodwin He was born on the 16th March 1800 and departed this life on the 2d February 1823 In his death we are taught that in the midst of life we are in death." Burials in St. George's Graveyard 107 Goodwin, Thomas "Erected by an afflicted family in memory of THOMAS GOODWIN who was born on the *9th day of October 1770 and died on the *14th day of January 1836." [*These two days of month are very indistinct.] Harrison, Mary C. "In Memoriam Mary C. Harrison Born July 28, 1852 Died Aug. 5, 1905 Asleep in Jesus." Hart, Catherine Rose "Catherine Rose Daughter of J. R. & A. M. S. Hart Aged 9 Mos. & 14 days." [Footstone-C.R.H. No dates on either stone]. Helmstatter, Philip J. "Sacred to the memory of Philip J. Helmstatter who died Aug. 17,1831 aged 31 years This stone is placed here by an affectionate Mother to an (***)y son." [***Three letters indistinct; we suppose this word is "only"J. Hildroop, Mrs. Mary "In Memory of Mrs. Mary Hildroop who died on the 18th Sept. 1832 in the 77th year of her age." Hill, Sarah "Sarah daughter of J. B. & H. Hill" [No date appears on this stone. The Historical sketch of 1892 gives 1841 as her death date. Infant.] Hillyard, Parke G. "Parke G. Hillyard Born October 7, 1835 Died October 31, 1857." Hitz, Margaret "Margaret Ritz Born ****1821 Died July 1832" [****Undecipherable]. Hull, John G. & Frances A. "Sacred to -the memory of John G. Hull and Frances A. his wife. The former of whom died on the 10th day of April 1841 aged 35 years, and the latter on the 31st day of August 1841, aged 43 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Lovely and beloved in life In death they were not separated." Jackson, Michael "In Memory of Michael son of Thos. & Mary A. Jackson who died June 3rd 1802." [This is smallest marked stone in the cemetery, being to this infant child.] 108 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church Jones, John "JOHN JONES 1752" [Oldest stone and perfectly preserved.] Johnston, Jane W. & Ann Thompson "In Loving Memory of Jane W. Johnston Born May 10, 1806 Died March 17, 1889 Until the Day Dawn" [On the reverse side is inscribed} "Ann Thompson Johnston Died October 24, 1841 Aged 74 years." Johnston, Larkin "In Memory of LARKIN JOHNSTON who departed this life April 25th 1831 Aged 34 years As a slight tribute of affection for departed worth & piety, this humble monument is erected. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying, with me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth Yee, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their worries do follow them. Rev. 14:13" Knox, Eliza Somerville "Eliza Somerville daughter of Thomas F. & Virginia A. Knox Died 7th Mrh 1841 Aged 2 Mo' 12 Das." Lewis, William "Here lies the body of William Lewis who departed this life January the 28th 1763 Aged 40 years. Also Ann his daughter died in 1755 Aged 15 Months and George his son died 1763 Aged 5 years." Lucas, James Vol. "In Memory of JAMES W. LUCAS Born March 4th 1799: Died August 23 rd 1850: in the 52nd year of his age." Lucas, Elizabeth G. "In Memory of Elizabeth G. Lucas Consort of Fielding Lucas, Decd• Born May 10th 1780 Died May 15th 1857" Lyon, Mrs. Elizabeth P. "Departed this life Sept. lith 1838 Mrs. Elizabeth P. Lyon Aged52 years." McGuire, Rev. Edward C. " , Mrs. J. C. " ,John Fenton "Rev. Edward C. McGuire Born July 26, 1793 . Died October 8, 1858 J. C. Lewis Relict Burials in St. George's Graveyard 109 of Rev. E. C. McGuire Born Oct. 4, 1794 Died March 26, 1882. John Fenton McGuire son of E. C. and J. C. McGuire Born 4 August 1839 Died [broken] 1843." U. C. Lewis McGuire was Judith Carter (Lewis) McGuire, daughter of Major Robert Lewis, the nephew of General Washington.] McPherson, Archibald "Here lyes the body of ARCHIBALD MCPHERSON born in the County of Murray in North Britain, who died August the 17, 1754 Aged 49 years. He was judicious, a lover of learning, openhearted, generous and sincere. Devout without ostin- tation; disdain- ing to cringe to vice in any Station. Friend to good men, an affectionate husband. 'A heap of dust alone remains of Thee 'Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall be.' Elizabeth, his disconsolate widow, as a testimony of their mutual affection, erected this monument to his memory." Marshall, James Edgar "In Memory of James Edgar Marshall son of Horace & Elizabeth Marshall Born August 7th 1807 departed this life at the University of Virginia the 5th November 1825. He was a dutiful & affectionate son and died much much lamented by all who knew him." Mason, 11rs. Anna Tayloe "SACRED [Here follows a four line verse not enough of which could be deciphered to bring together sensible words.] THIS TABLET is placed here by Charles Mason in acknowledgement of grati- tude for the affectionate love of his kind and devoted wife ANNA TAYLOE MASON who died the 15th of May 1831 Aged 23 years leaving a character dis- tinguished for all the virtues which exalt and adorn her so. She was the only surviving 110 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church child of Tayloe and Anna Braxton of Richmond, Va. Both of whom died at an early age leaving in charge of their friends this pledge of their affection and when this dear object of "'and fond devotion had just attained the endearing affection of parent the blighting hand of death made her husband a widower and her infant an orphan." *** [undeci- pherable]. Maury, Mrs. Catharine "[Here lies] the Body of Catharine [Maury the] wife of James Maury [who died in] Liverpool on the 22nd of May 1794 [in] the 39th year of her age. [While] living it was her Purpose [to be] returned ... among her own people. While dying she desired that these remains should rest here. She was of the best of Vi/omen." [A large corner of the stone is broken and missing.] Moody, Bradstreet [5 cornered star] "Here lies the body of BRADSTREET MOODY a native of Sandbarnton, New Hampshire who died in this Town on 24th Aug'. 1827" [Broken here The Historical Sketch of 1892 gives his age as 25 years in their list of names and ages as taken from the stones at that time. This stone however is now broken just below "1827" and nothing further can be deciphered.] Newby, Jane Sarah & Eliza [A stone so badly defaced that but few letters and figures can be deciphered with certainty other than their names. Both died in infancy in 1795.] Patterson, John "Here lies the body of JOHN PATTERSON who died September 10th 1814 Aged 34 years." Patton, Anthony Buck and Virginia B. (Coakley) "Sacred to the Memory of Anthony Buck Patton Beloved husband of Virginia B. Patton Died Jan. Z2, 1903. Burials in St. George's Graveyard 111 Virginia B. Patton wife of Anthony B. Patton Daughter of John and Elizabeth Coakley Died January 7, 1924." Paul, William "WILLIAM PAUL 1774." [The stone is enclosed in a granite stone on the back of which is inscribed:] "Restored 23 September 1930 by Admirers of John Paul Jones Commodore U. S. N. By whom This stone was first set in place in memory of William his older Brother." Pearson, John B. "Sacred to Memory of John B. Pearson of Saint Margar-****** who departed-**** fe March *** 04-*** years and *** ays." [Stone adjacent Chas. M. Rothrock. Historical sketch of 1892 gives death date as 1804, aged 5 years.] Pearson, William "In memory of William Pearson who departed this life on the 28th of March 1824 in the 64th year of his age. Here lies interred William Garrett the son of William & Eleanor Pearson who departed this life in the 3d year of his age." Pilcher, Frederick "Sacred To the Memory of FREDERICK PILCHER Born 7th of August 1769 Departed this life the 13th day of April 1832 He lived and died an honest man." Pilcher, Hiram "In Memory of Hiram Pilcher who departed this life A.D. 1833 Aged 33 years." Pilcher, Mrs. Margaret "In memory of Mrs. Margaret Pilcher Wife of Fred: Pilcher who departed this life December 20, 1827 Aged 57 years. Her pious and dutiful life was extended to an honorable old age and closed by an exemplary death. Her charity had its ***** in religion. Her love of her neighbour was the genuine seat of her love of God. Her rest ******* was the fruit of her faith and she died in hope because she had lived a Christian." [Stone disintegrating. (*) The Historical Sketch of 1892 gives 1827 as the date of her death' the "7" is now entirely gone. Several other words could not be positively deciphered.] 112 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church R., G. and R., N. "G. R. 1807 N. R. 1802" [These letters and figures appear on a large stone adjacent to that of Charles Rothrock. The historical sketch of 1892 suggests that the headstone was broken during the War.J Richardson, George "Sacred to the memory of GEORGE RICHARDSON STONE CUTTER who was killed by an accident May 12th 1807: Aged 45 years. Stay, passenger, thy step; reflect awhile: Tho now in health and vigour thou may smile Tomorrows fun thy obsequies may see The silent grave may then thy mansion be. Then seek in life God's favour to possess And to thy soul secure eternal happiness. Nancy daughter of the said George Richardson and of Lucy his wife died May 29th 1802: aged 14 months. Jesus said, 'Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of heaven.'" Richeson, George "George Richeson who hath migrated to this comwealth from -Great Britain made oath that he had resided 5 years within the jurisdiction of the United States of America and one year within the ComwIth of Virginia, that he will support the constitution of the USA and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all alligeance and fidelity whatsoever to any prince potentate or soverign particularly to George the Third King of Great Britain- and thereupon he is admitted to the Rights of a Citizen of the United States..." [Fredericksburg Court Minutes of 9 May, 1799.J Riddley, James "In Memory of JAMES Riddley who departed this Life June 19th 1800 Aged 72 years." [The entire face of this tombstone fell off in 1938, and no letter is now visible on portion remaining.J Ritchardson, Mrs. Winefrid "Here lies the body of Winefrid the wife of Daniel Ritchardson who died Oct': the 16th: 1763, aged 23 years. Also 3 children lies Enterrd by Her. Remember man Burials in St. George's Graveyard 113 as you pass by So you are now so once was I S6 as I am so must you be Therefore prepare to follow me." Robey, Mrs. Ann "In Memory of Ann wife of Richard Robey who died November 28th 1811 Aged 38 years. 'The sever'd ties of kindred dear Demand the fervant sigh But sacred hope dries every tear And point to bliss on high.'" [Footstone A.R.-1811. Stone disintegrating and will not long be legible] Rose, Alexander "In l\1emory of ALEXANDER ROSE of the Parish of Vere in the Island of Jamaica Merchant and a native of NorthBritain who visited the United States of America for the recovery of his health and departed this life at Fredericksburg in Virginia on the 28th day of November 1800. This stone is placed over his remains in testimony of affectionate and fraternal regard by his brother William Rose of the said Island." Rothrock, Charles M. [Broken] "Also Charles M. Rothrock Departed this life Sept' 29 1084, Aged 3 years." [Gravestone remarkable for its date, well preserved. For photograph see: Quinn: History of Fredericksburg, Va. pg. 2M.] Rothrock, George W. "George W. Rothrock Died December 9, 1865 aged 67 years." Rothrock, Jeannie J. "Jeannie J. Rothrock Born January 22, 1830 Died October 31, 1851 Come Lord Jesus, Come Quickly." Rothrock, Louisiana (Johnston) "In Loving Memory of Louisiana Jahnston wife of the late George W. Rothrock Died January 25, 1888 Aged 84 years. Fayetta, daughter of Louisiana & George W. Rothrock Born 1842 Died 1863." Simons, Mrs. Catherine "Here lies the Body of Catherine the beloved wife of David Simons Who departed this life May 14th 1794 Aged 35 years. Also her two children lies entered with her." Smith, Mrs. Mary "In Memory of Mary Relict of William Smith Born March 20, 1750 Departed this life July 8th 1822." [Her 114 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church tomb is adjacent to her husband Wm. Smith (1746- 1802).J Smith, William "Here lies the body of William Smith a native of Glocestershire in England Born 25th May 1746 And departed this life October 7, 1802. An honest man is the noblest work of God." Smith, William Jr. "In Memory of William son of Wm. and Mary Smith born April 18, 1787 At the commencement of the late War he entered the Army as a Lieutenant and departed this life whilst in the service of his country on the 30th January 1815." [Adjacent to his parents, Wm. & Mary Smith.J Spilman, Walter "In Memory of Walter son of Tho. W. & Ann Spilman who died FebY• 12th 1837 in the 4th year of his age." Strother, French "In Memory of FRENCH STROTHER who departed this life June 3d 1800 Aged 61 years." T,F.G.H. [BrokenJ "Born 26 April 1812 Died the 1st Nov. 1832" [The headstone is broken, . leaving only the dates. The stone was in this condition in 1892 says the Historical Sketch of that date. It says a footstone carried the initial F.G.H.T., but we failed to find this stone. Mr. King believes Mr. Clark was in error as to footstone and that the stone to party (1812-32) belongs to: "Died-On Thursday evening, 1st of Nov. Mr. Felix H. Taliaferro, son of the late Mr. Hay Taliaferro of Orange Co., aged about 20 years." Fredericksburg Virginia Herald Nov. 3, 1832J Taliaferro, Catherine "Catherine Taliaferro Born 29th January 179l Died 21st November 1869 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." [The Historical sketch of 1892 gives her name as Mrs. Catherine Reat Taliaferro. She lies near Mrs. Eleanor Reat Thom.J Thorn, Catherine "Catherine Thorn Died Jan. 27, 1886." [The Historical Sketch of 1892 gives the age of Miss Catherine Thorn as 70 years when she died in 1886.J Thom, Mary "Mary Thorn Died June Burials in St. George's Graveyard 115 17, 1894 Numbered with Thy Saints in Glory Everlasting." Thorn, Reuben Triplett "REUBEN TRIPLETT THOM Died May 7th 1868 Aged 85 years & 6 months. ELEANOR REAT wife of R. T. Thorn Died Nov. 20th 1865 Aged 79 years & 4 Months." [These two inscriptions on one monument.] Walker, Robert "Sacred in memory of Robert Walker late Merchant in Frederickw sburg whose remains are here deposited He was born near Belfast in Ireland the 20th day of October A.D. 1766 and departed this life the 27th day of January 1808." Ware, James "SACRED to the memory of JAMES R. WARE Born April 19, 1812 departed this life September 7th 1850 Beloved in life and lamented in death." Ware, Thomas "In Memory of THOMAS WARE who departed this life 6th August 1820. Near this spot lies the remains of William son of Thomas & Catherine 'Vare." Ware, Thos. R·o "Thos. R. Ware C.S.N." [The Historical sketch of 1892 registers the interment of Thomas R. Ware U.S.N. & C S.N. in 1889 aged 75 years.] White, Henry Garrett "Deposited here are the remians of HENRY GARRETT son of William H. and Amanda White who died 19 September 1822 aged 19 months and 11 days." Whitfield, John "In memory of Jahn Whitfield of Whitehaven who departed this life the 22nd of March 1766 in the 25th year of his Age." Young, Mrs. Elizabeth "In memory of Elizabeth Young wife of James Young Born 22nd November 1778 Died 10th July 1806. Weep not dear friends tho I am no more When God thus calls its not amiss He bade me come I go before To meet you in eternal bliss." 116 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church PERSONS BURIED IN ST. GEORGE'S GRAVEYARD FOR WHOM THERE ARE NO GRAVESTONES* Died Age 1848 Infant 1846 Infant 1829 Infant 1826 Child Barton, Daniel Jenifer ................... . Barton, Eliza Campbell .................. . Barton, John ........................... . Barton, Louisa Nevison .................. . 1857 Infant 1858 1833 Infant 1835 Child 1820 60 1835 70 1833 Infant 1828 Infant 1881 Beck, Mrs. Mary Parke .................. . Beck, Olivia Hanson .................... . Beck, Mrs. Sarah Hanson ................ . Botts, John Francis ..................... . Botts, Susan Catherine .................. . Coakley, John .......................... . Coakley, Mary, his wife .................. . Dade, Virginia .......................... . . Fry, S. W .............................. . Goodwin, Anna Marie (Smock) ........... . 1871 1794 3 years 1850 Goodwin, Littleton ...................... . Gregory, Maria ......................... . Hanson, Mrs. Mary Parke ............... . Infant 1852 Infant 1849 Infant 1781 56 Hillyard, Mrs. Jane Parke ................ . Jones, Mary Barton ..................... . Jones, William Strother .................. . Knox, John ............................. . Lewis, Colonel Fielding .................. . Three of his infant grand-children ....... . Lucas, Fielding ......................... . Lucas, Miss Maria ...................... . 1862 Lucas, Mrs. Sarah A .................... . Montandon, William .................... . 1848 Pearson, Mrs. Eleanor ................... . 1861 1891 1862 Infant Pearson, Margaretta ... , , , ... , , , , . , , . , , .. . Scott, Eleanor Pearson, , , . , .. ' , , , . , , . , . , .. 1874 1831 63 1836 52 Smock, William ........................ . Smock, Mrs. Sarah, wife of above .... , , , , , . Young, James ,-. , ... , . , , , ... , .. , , .... , .. . Young, Mrs. Susan Smith .... , .. , ........ . *From William Meade Clark, St. George's Cemetery: A Historical Sketch (Fredericksburg, Va., 1892). INDEX Since the names of the persons buried in the St. George's Churchyard are arranged alphabetically in Appendix H those names have not been indexed. Allen, Erasmus, 13 Alsope, Ann, 4Ambler, Rev. J. J., 69 American Colonization Society, 31 American Revolution, effects on churches in Virginia, 19 Amherst County, 50 Andrews, Rev. Dr. Charles W., 43 Anglican clergy in Virginia, loyalty of, 19 Ashton, Dr. Lawrence, 100 Ashton, Mrs. Nannie Green, i.e. Mrs. Lawrence, 100 Austin, Charles, 92 Backus, Curtis, 97 Bailey, Rev. S. K., 60 Ballard, Benjamin, 91 Barton, Judge William S., 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 54, 94, 99 Basset, G. W., 93 Battaley, William, 90 Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn,,61 Berkeley Parish, Spotsylvania County, 15, 22, 23, 44 Bernard, William, 92 Berry, John S., 49 Beverly, Carter, 15 Beverly, Henry, 90 Bingham Latin School, 53 Biscoe, William E., 97 Black, G. W. Z., 41 Blackford, William M., 93 Blair, Commissary James, 8 Blair, David, 91 Boggs, Clara, 44 Boggs, Kate Newell Doggett, i.e. Mrs. Thomas R., 62, 66 Boggs, Lewis, 44 Bond, Rev. J. Sullivan, 69, 70, 89 Bond, William, 97 Boogher, Davis R., 64 Boogher, Rev. Dudley, Jr., 64 Boogher, Rev. Dudley, Sr., 64-69, 89 Boogher, Emma Timanus, i.e. Mrs. Davis R., 64 Boogher, Mary Wiley, i.e. Mrs. Dudley, Sr., 64 Boston, Mass., 32 Botts, Albert B., Sr., 96, 98 Botts, Benjamin, 92 Bradley, Jeanette S., 58 Branham, D., 91 Braxton, Annie M., 71 Braxton, Elliott M., 93, 94, 99 Braxton, Mary A., 71 Braxton, Sally, 69, 71 Braxton, Wistar W., 72, 96-98 Braxton, Mrs. Wistar W., 72 Brock, Joseph, 20, 90 Brock, R. A., v Brooke, Richard, 91 Brooks, Otis G., 97 Brooks, Bishop Phillips, 37 Brown, James, 92 Brown, Rev. Dr. Robert, 72 Browne, Mrs. Mary Green, 35, 46 Brunswick County, 53 Brunswick Parish, King George and Stafford Counties, 20 Brydon, Rev. Dr. G. MacLaren, v, vii, viii, 2-4, 8, 11, 14, 19n., 43n., 44n., 45 Bulley, Dr. Stanley Frederick Down, 73 Burbridge Church, 15, 16 Burr, P. P., 93, 95 Butzner, Dr. W. W., 97 Byrd, Col. William,S, 11, 16 Camden Parish, Pittsylvania County, 22 Campbell, Rev. Alexander, 31 Carmichael, Coalter B., 97 Carmichael, E. R., 93 Carmichael, Elizabeth, 73 Carmichael, Dr. James, 52, 92, 99 Caroline County, 24, 28 Carter, Charles, 91 Carter, Charles L., 92 Carter, Edward, 91 Carter, Sophia, 23 Chandler, Mrs. A. B., Jr., 69, 80 Chapel Hill, N. C., Episcopal Church of,56 Charity School Board, the, 47 Charity School, Female, 23, 47 Charity School, Male, 23, 47 Charles Parish, York County, 5, 6 Chew, John, 10, 90 Chew, Capt. Larkin, 4, 90 Chew, R. B., 91 Chew, Robert S., 92 Chew, Thomas, 90 Chewning, Dr. William ]., 68 Chichester, Frank M., 67, 96, 98 118 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church Chichester, Mrs. J. Conway, 47 Chichester, Judge R. H. L., 96, 98 Chimes, organ, 71 Chinn, Walter N., Jr., 97 Choir, 15,47, 54, 56, 60, 62, 63, 65-67, 68.73 Christ Church, Alexandria, 38 Christ Church, ,Brooklyn, N. Y., 57 Chirst Church, Mobile, Ala., 70 Christ Church, Norfolk, 25, 27 Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County, 59, 61 Christ Church, Winchester, 59 Church exterior, repair and beautification of, 71 Church of the Good Shepherd, Parkersburg, W. Va" 64 Church of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh, N. C., 56 Church property, value of in 1904, 59 Civil War, effects on St. George's Church, 37, 38 Clark, Rev. John T., 55 Clark, Rev. Dr. William Meade, 55-57, 89 Coahley, John, 30, 93, 94,99 Cobb, Bishop, 45 Cold Spring, N. Y., 43 Coleman, Alvin M., sexton, 69 Collins, F. W., 41 Colson, Thomas, 22, 91 Communicants, number of, 27, 86, 87 Communion service, silver, 39 Confederate Army, 38-40, 43, 50, 53 Conway, Rev. Moncure Daniel, 31 Cooke, Dr. James, 51, 93, 94, 99 Corbin, James Parke, 96 Cornwell, R. T. K., 97 Cow houses, rector's, 52 Cowan, C. M., 97 Crump, John, 92, 99 Crutcher, Thomas, 91 Curtis, Rice, Sr., 90 Curtis, Rice, Jr., 90 Culpeper County, 3, 7, 22, 23, 28, 31 Dame, Rev. William Meade, 55 Dandridge, Col. John, 15 Dangerfield, William, 91 Dashiell, Rev. George, 26 Daughters of the American Revolution, 100 Davis, Benjamin, 13 Davis, Rev. Thomas, 22 Day, Maj. Benjamin, 22, 23, 91 DeButts, Rev. Lawrence, 6 Dettingen Parish, Prince William County, 20 De Vore, Mrs. Daniel B., 66 Diocesan convention of 1785, the first in Virginia, 20 Dick, Charles, 13, 15,91 Dixon, Roger, 91 Dog shows, vestry against Sunday, 71, 72 Doggett, Dr. A. C., 66, 99 Doggett, H. S., 93, 95, 96 Doswell, Maj. J. Temple, 50,93 Downman, James H., 100 Downman, Mary Hayes, 100 Downman, Rawleigh, 100 Drysdale, Lt. Gov. Hugh,S Early, Benjamin W., v Early, Mrs. Benjamin W., 73 East North East Creek, 10 Edgefield County, S. C., 61 Electricity, vestry against in 1889, 54 Elizabeth City Parish, 64 Embrey, Judge Alvin T., 59, 96, 98 Embrey, A. W., Jr., 97 Embrey, Mrs. John, 72 Emmanuel Church, Baltimore, 38 Episcopal Church in Virginia, factors adversely affecting, 19 Episcopal High School, Alexandria, 33, 37 "Episcopal Young People of Fredericks- burg, the," 72 Essex County, 2, 3, 15, 28, 33, 84 Fairfax, Lord Thomas, 3 Falmouth, services in, 30 Faulkner, Rev. Thomas G., Jr., v, 70-73,89 Faulkner, Mrs. Thomas C., Jr., 72 Faulkner, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas G., Sr., 70 Fauquier County, 3, 37 "Feast of Lights" service, 72 Female Domestic Missionary Society of St. George's Parish, 28 Ferris, Lindley Murray, 67, 100 Ficklin, Mrs. A. E., 50 Ficklin, Joseph B., 35, 59, 93, 99 Ficklin, Joseph B., Jr., 95 Fire in present St. George's Church, 35 Fitzhugh, Mrs. A. J., 99 Fitzhugh, the Misses, 35, 99 Fitzhugh, Randolph, 95, 96 Fitzhugh, St. George R, 99 Fitzhugh, William Henry. 93, 94 Forbes, David Sterling, 93, 95, 96. 98 Forbes, Murray, 93, 99 Fork Chapel, 7 Fox, Thomas, 91 Franks, Rev. Dr. Vincent, 72 Index 119 Frederick County, Va" 37 Frederick, Prince,S Fredericksburg Academy, 22, 23 Fredericksburg College, 63 French, George, 91 General Board of Missions of the P. E. Church, 57 ' General Theological Seminary, 38 George III, 5 German Reformed Church, 2 Germanna, 1-7, 83 Germantown, 3 Gibson, Rev. Dr. Churchill ].,49 Gibson, Bishop Robert A., 57 Girl Scout troop, 73 Glebe, 7, 13 Gooch, Lt. Gov. William, 5, 8, 11 Goochland County, 11, 16 Goodloe, John, 13 Goodwin, Betty, 39 Goodwin, Bishop Frederick D., 63 Goodwin, Col. William, 54 Goodwyn, Thomas, 92 Goolrick, Peter, 99 Goolrick, William K., v, 69, 96-98 Gordon, Basil, 32 Gordon, Douglas B., 93, 94, 99 Grace Episcopal Church, Richmond, 61 Grammer, Rev. Dr. Carl, 57 Gray, Agnes, 99 Gray, J. Bowie, 96-98 Gray, John, 28, 29, 32, 39, 92 Gray, William F., 92 Grayson, Ambrose, 90 Grayson, Spencer, 20 Grayson, William, 90 Green, Duff, 99 Green, Mary, see Browne, Mrs. Mary Green Greene County, 3 Greenhaw, Samuel, 91 Greensville County, 53 Grymes, Benjamin, 13 Haeger, Rev. Henry, 2, 3 Hall, Elisha, 91 Hall, Horace B., 93, 96, 98 Hall, Marshall C, 59, 95 Hamilton, Capt., 99 Hamilton, George, 92 Hampden-Sydney College, 53, 55 Hanover Church, Fredericksburg, 49 Hanover County, 8, 30 Hanover-Parish, King George County, 8 Hansford, William, 90 Hanson, Thomas H., 92 Harrison, Mrs. Annie T., 57 Harrison, Dr. G. B., 97 Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Gunyon, 72 Hart, Archibald, 93 Hart, John, 92, 99 Hart, William T., 93 Hayes, John S., 93, 94 Hebron Lutheran Church, 3 Heflin, Mrs. Mary Hill, 68 Heiskell, Godlove, 92 Henderson, David, 92 Henry, John, 8 Henry, Rev. Patrick, vii, 8, 88 Herndon, Dr. Brodie S., 93, 94, 99 Herndon, Charles, 99 Herndon, Dabney, 92 Herndon, Edward, 90, 91 Herndon, Edward, Jr., 91 Herndon, John, 91 Herndon, John Waterhouse, 60 Hickman, Edward, 90 Home, George, 9 Horse shows, vestry against Sunday, 71· Hospital, St. George's used as, 40 Howard, A. Randolph, 96 Howard, William K., 49 Hoyt, Mrs. Louise Lallande, 67, 100 Hubbard, Dexter, 65, 71, 97 Hull, Mrs. Richard, 72 Hundley, Alvin, 65, 96 Hunter, George L., Jr., v, 67-69, 97, 98 Intinction, communion by, 68 Jackson River and Botetourt Parishes, 64 Jackson, Robert, 13,90 James Monroe Parent Teachers Asso- ciation, 47 Jenkins, Thomas L., 97 Jett, J. B., 49 Johns, Bishop John, 36, 45, 47 Johns Parish, Loudoun County, 45 Johnson, Capt. William, 7 Johnston, F. W., 49, 93, 99 Johnston, Larkin, 92 Johnston, R., 92 Jones, Churchill, 92 Jones, Dr. Gordon W., v, 97 Jones, Joseph, 91 Jones, O. E., 39 Julian, John, 91 Kelly, Monroe, 49, 50, 93-95 Kenner, Rev. Rodham, Sr., 6-8, 88 Kenner, Rev. Rodham, Jr., 8 Kenyon College, Gambier, 0., 33 Ker, David c., 92 King and Queen County, 3, 7 King George County, 25 120 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church King, George H. S., v, 101-115 King William County, 3 Kinney, John F., 39 Knox, Douglas Hamilton, 72, 94 Knox, Louia Brockenbrough, 72 Knox, Lucy B., 62 Knox, Robert T., 59, 93, 95, 96 Knox, Thomas F., 93, 99 Knox, William A., 32, 92 Kuhn, Jacob, 92 Ladies Cemetery Guild, 56 La Fayette, Marquis de, 31 Lallande, John James, 67, 100 Lallande, Mrs. Sue Young, 67, 100 Lanier, Rev. John Jabez, 61-63, 68, 89 Lanier, Richard Nuno, 63, 97 Latimer Parish, Rockbridge County, 44 Lay baptism, conviction for, 3-4 Lea, William's old field, 10, 11 Lee, Gen. Rohert E., 37, 44 Lee, William old field, see Lea, William Legg, John, 91 Lewis, Betty Washington, 27 Lewis, Charles, 91 Lewis, Charles R., 65, 70, 97, 98 Lewis, Elsie, 65 Lewis, Col. Fielding, 13, 15, 90 Lewis, James, 91 Lewis, John, 91-92 Lewis, Judith c., see McGuire, Mrs. Judith C. Lewis Lewis, Magnus M., Sr., 62, 70, 95, 97 Lewis, Magnus M., Jr., 65, 97, 98 Lewis, Maj. Robert, 27, 92-93 Lewis, Capt. William, 22 Lewis, Zachary, 10, 90 Lexington, 52 Lexington Parish, Amherst County, 56 Licking Run, 3 Lightfoot, Goodrich, 90 Litsinger, Rev. R. S., 61 Livingston community, 44 Lomax, John T., 92 London, Bishop of, 8, II Lottery, advertised in 1768-69 to build new church, IS Louisa County, 28 Lovell, William, 91 Low, Samuel, Jr., 24 Low, Rev. Samuel, Sr., 24, 25, 88 "Lowe," Rev. Samuel, 25 Lucas, Z., 92 Lunenburg and North Farnham Parishes, 61 Lutherans, 2 McBryde, Rev. Robert J., 49-52, 60-61, 89 McGuire, Charles, 27 McGuire, Edward Brown, 27 McGuire, Rev. Dr. Edward C(harles), 25-37,47, 51, 88, 100 McGuire, Rev. John, 28, 33 McGuire, Judith C. Lewis, i.e. Mrs. Edward C(harles), 27 McPherson, Archibald, 23 Madison, Bishop James, 19 Madison County, 3 Magill, Charles, 37 Magill. Joho, 37 Main Street land, vestry authorized to sell, 15 Marie, Mrs. Lucy Knox, 72 Marshall, Horace, 92 Martins Brandon Parish, Prince GeorgeCounty, 45 Mary Washington College, 63, 73 Marye, Rev. James, Sr., 5, 11, 12, 14, 88 Marye, Rev. James, Jr., 12, 16, 17,88 Marye, Letetia Maria Ann Staige, 11, 12 Marye, Lucy Mary, 12 Marye, Peter, 12 Marye, Susanna, 12 Marye, William, 12 Mason, Claudia Hamilton Norton, i.e. Mrs. John K(ercheval) Mason, 53 Mason, Dr. George, 53 Mason, George Carrington, v, IOn., 11, 47 Mason, Dr. H(atley) Norton, 53 Mason, John G., 93, 95 Mason, Rev. Dr. John K(ercheval), 49, 52-55, 89 Mason, Lucy Binns Jones, i.e. Mrs. George, 53 Mason, W. R., 49 Mattapony Church (second), 9, 11-13, 15 Maury, Ann, 39 Maury, Fontaine, 22, 91 Maury, Leila Andrews, i.e. Mrs. Magruder, 43 Maury, Rev. Magruder, 43-45, 88 Maury, Rev. Mytton, 43 Maury, R. B., 93 Maury, Richard B., 43 Maury, Ruxton, 39 May, Rev. Dr. James, 37 Meade, Bishop William, 8, 17, 20, 25, 26, 33, 35 Meade Parish, Fauquier County, 45 Men's club, 72 Men's fellowship dinner, quarterly, 72 Mercer, Hugh, 15, 92 Metcalfe, John, 92 Index 121 Methodist Church, old, 34- Methodists, 71 Middlesex County, 33 Middleton, H. 0., 92 Middletown, 53 Minor, General U] John, 92 Minor; John, IV, 51, 99 Minor, Rev. Launcelot Byrd, 28 Minor, Robert, 93, 94- Minor, Thomas, 91 Mollegen, Rev. Dr. Albert, 72 Moncure, Mary Conway, 100 Moncure, Judge R. C. L., 48, 93, 94, 99, 100 Monroe, James, 21 Monumental Church, Richmond, 57 Moore, Bishop Richard Channing, 27, 30 Moore, Mrs. Rohert, 72 Morley, Thomas, 3 Morris, Rev. J. Kenneth, 70 Morrison, T. S., 97 Mortimer, Dr. Charles, 22, 91 Moss, Lloyd Q., 97 Mount, Mary Helfin, i.e. Mrs. R. 1., 67, 68, 73 Mount, R. 1., 97 Mt. Jackson, 53 Mountain Chapel, 7 Mundell, Johu, 26, 92 Murdaugh, Rev. Dr. Edward C., 45-50, 89 Myers, Mrs. Jane Phillips, 100 National Masonic Lecturer, 63 Negroes, 12, 31, 32, 50 Nelson, Bishop, 61 Nelson, Rev. Robert B., 69 New Church, 16 New Haven, Conn., 32 New York City, 43 Newcomers and strangers, welcoming of, 62, 69 Night services, 68 North Anna River, 10 Norton, Ann Burwell Marshall, i.e. Mrs. George Hatley, 53 Norton, Rev. George Hatley, 53 Norton, Rev. Levi, 39 Nursery, 72 Orange County, 3, 7, 23 Organ, 22, 47, 66, 67, 71 Otey, Bishop, 37 Owen, Chaplain, 40 Packard, Rev. Dr. Joseph, 37 Page County, 3 Page, Mann, 15, 20, 22, 91 Page, Robert, 26 Pamunkey Chapels, 10, 15 Parke, Theodosia, 73 Parlimentary laws requiring conformity to Episcopal Church, repealed in 1776, 17 Patton, Robert, 92 Pauper's badge, required of relief recipients, 13 Payne, Dr. Thomas B., 97 Peabody Normal College, 61 Pearson, George B., 49 Peart, Rev. Francis, 7, 88 Peck family, 46 Peet, Rev. Dr. Edward William, 28 Peterkin, Rev. Dr. Joshua, 55 Petition requesting that church property be vested in Corporation of Fredericksburg, 21 Pew tax or pew rent, abolished, 70 Phi Beta Kappa oration at Harvard, 32 Phillips, Alexander Keene, 93, 94, 100 Phillips, Alexander Keene, Jr., 100 Pollock, William, 93, 94, 99 Poor, vestry required to purchase or rent land for maintenance of, 13 Port Royal, Episcopal Church at, 70 Potter, Bishop Henry Codman, 37 Pratt, Mrs. John Lee, 72 . Pratt, W. T., iii, 97, 98 Prayer for the president, omitted by Randolph, 38 Presbyterians, 23, 35,40,71,73 Processioning of lands, 14 Proctor, Jefferson, 97 Protestant Episcopal Church of the Confederate States of America, 45 Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Va., 32, 33, 43, 50, 55-57, 64,69, 70 Randolph, Bishop Alfred Magill, 37, 38, 43, 51, 57, 88 Randolph, Mary Buckner Thruston Magill, i.e. Mrs. Robert Lee Randolph, 37 Randolph, Robert Lee, 37 Randolph, Sallie Griffith Haxton, i.e. Mrs. Alfred Magill, 37 Rapidan River, 1, 4 Rappahannock Church (first), 4, 6 Rappahannock -Church (second), 9, 12-15, 21 Rappahannock County, 3 Reason, Faith and Authority in Christianity, 38 Rebuke of Governor and Council for superseding a vestry order, significance of, 10, 11 122 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church Rectory sold, 63 Reed, Rev. Pembroke, 67 Reform Episcopal schism, 45 Reid, Cecil L., 97 Reinicker Lecturer, 63 Religious denominations incorporation act, repeal of in 1786, 19 Revivals, 27, 29, 30, 36, 39, 40 Ridley Parish, 71 Roanoke College, 64 Roanoke Parish, Halifax County, 38, 55,64 Roberts, Rev. Philip, 73 Robey, H. R., 44 Robinson, Hon. John, 6, 90 Robinson, Michael, 91 Robinson, William, 90 Robinson River, 3 Rockingham County, 3 Rose, Alexander F., 92 Rothrock, George, Jr., 92 Rowell, J. E., 65, 71, 97 Russell, Ralph W., 67 St. Andrew's Church, Louisville, Ky., 55 St. George's Benevolent Society of Fredericksburg, 46 St. George's Chapel, 44 St. George's Parish (Anglican), 3-17 passim St. George's Parish (German), establishment of (1714), 1; text of law, 83j repeal of law (1720), 3 St. James' Church, Herring Creek, Md., 45 St. James' Church, Marietta, Ga., 55 St. James' Church, Richmond, 55, 57 St. James' Parish, Boydton, Mecklen- burg County, 56 St. John's Church, Heber Parish (now Bedford city), 52, 53 St. John'S Church, Mt. Washington, Baltimore, 61 St. John's Parish, King William County, 3 St. Mark's Church, Richmond, 59 St. Mark's Parish, Spotsylvania County, 6, 7j Orange County, 7; Culpeper County, 22, 51 St. Mary's Parish, Caroline County, 24 St. Mary's Parish, Essex County, 2, 3, 7,8,84 St. Paul's Cemetery, Alexandria, 55 St. Paul's Church, Brambleton Parish, 57 St. Paul's Church, Petersburg, 57 St. Paul's Church, Savannah, Ga., 62 St. Paul's Parish, Hanover County, 8 St. Peter's Church, Charlotte, N. c., 53 St. Simon, Georgia, 70 St. Stephen's Parish, King and Queen County, 3 St. Stephen's Parish, Northumberland County, 7 St. Thomas' Parish, Orange County. 16, 61 Sartin, John and Ann, 14 Savage, Mrs. Susan Metcalfe, 28 Scott, George B., 49, 99 Scott, John, 92 Scott, John F., 93, 94 Scott, Dr. W. S., 93, 94 Secretary, parish, 71 Sextons, 12, 39, 54; 68, 69 Sharpe, H., 90 Sharpe, Thomas, 91 Shelton, John, 3 Shepherd, George W., v, 69, 97, 98 Shield, Rev. Mr., 49 Shiloh Baptist Church, Fredericksburg, 54 Slaughter, Hattie, 46 Slaughter, Montgomery, 93, 94, 98 Slaughter, Rev. Philip, v, 4, 20, 33, 36, 51 Slaughter Parish, Culpeper County, 71 Smith, Mrs. Agnes P., i.e. Mrs. Wil- liam D., 57 Smith, Augustine, 90 Smith, C. Archer, 67, 96, 98 Smith, Dr. C. Mason, 96 Smith, Edward J., 96 Smith, Frank W., 96 Smith, Rev. George Archibald, 29 Smith, John, Jr., 92 Smith, Rev. Joseph, 11,88 Smith, William, 92 Smith, Wil1iam D., 57 Smith, Rev. William Dickinson, 57, 59,89 Smith, Yeamans, 92, 99 Smock, James, 92 Smoot, W. A., v Society for the Education of Pious Young Men for the Ministry, 32 Sons of Sobriety, 51-52 Southern Churchman, 57 Southwark Parish, Surry County, 45 Sautter, l\.1rs. Agnes Gordon Knox, 50 Spalding, Branch, 97 Sparrow, Rev. Dr. William, 35, 37, 55 Spooner, G. W. B., 92 Spotswood, Lt. Gov. Alexander, 1-5 Spotswood, John, 13, 68, 90 Spotsylvania County, vii, 3, 23, 36 Staige, Rev. Theodosius, 5, 88 Index 123 Stanard, William, 91 Stanley, Rev. Dr. Clifford, 72 Stansbury, John L., 49 Stearns, W. C., 96 Steele, Mrs. Charles, 59 Stephenson, Rev. James, 22, 23, 88 Steward, John, 91 Stone, W. S., 92 Starke, William, 92 Strachan, Thomas, 91 Strebeck, Rev. George, 25, 88 Stubblefield, Beverly, 91 Stubblefield, George, 10, 91 Sunday night services, question of continuing, 68 Sunday School, 29, 31, 34, 51 Sussex County, 53 Sweetser, Houston K., 60, 62, 65, 96-98 Sweetser, Mary C. Moncure, i.e. Mrs. Houston K., vii, 62 'T{lckett, Charles E., 59, 93-94 Taliaferro, Francis, 92 Taliaferro, John, 10, 90 Taliaferro, John, Jr., 90 Tansill, Diana, 73 Tapscott, A. B., 93, 95, 96, 98 Taylor, Mrs. Belle S., 47 Taylor, J. Arthur, 93-95 Taylor, Dr. John R., 49, 93, 94, 99 Taylor, John, of Caroline, 24 Taylor, William, 92' Temperance movement in Fredericks- burg, 32 Thorn, Catharine, 51 Thorn, Mary, 43 Thorn, Reuben, 39,44,51,67,92-94 Thompson, J. F., San., 93, 95, 96, 98 Thompson, Jonah, 32 Thornton, Arthur P., 96, 97 Thornton, Francis, 90 Thornton, Francis, Jr., 91 Thornton, George, 91 Thornton, .Tohn, 90 Thornton, Rev. Thomas, 20, 21, 88 Thursday Lenten noon-day services, 72 Timberlake, Mrs. J. W., 44 Tobacco census, 14 Torrence, Rev. Clayton, v Town Clock in St. George's, main- tenance of by the city, 35 «Traveller's Rest," 28, 29 Trinity Church, Columbia, S. c., 70 Trinity Church, Fredericksburg, viii, 45-50, 65, 66, 69 Trinity Church, Manassas, 70 Trinity Church, Martinsburg, W. Va., 65 Truro Parish, Prince William County, 6 Trust funds, 46, 47 Tucker, Bishop Beverly, Sr., 37 Tucker, Bishop Henry St. George, 66 Trinity Church, Shepherdstown, (now) W. Va., 43 Tuscarora Indians, 1 Trustees, St. George's long time without legal, 59 Tutt, James, 91 Tutt, Richard, 10, 90 Turner, A. F., 96-98 Union Thanksgiving service, 65 United States Government, damages received from, 41 Upper Church, 16 Urquhart, Charles, 91 Usher, opportunity to, 72 Vacation Bible School, 71 Vance, Capt. R. Conroy, 62, 96 Venerable Society, refuses request of Germanna settlers for funds, 2 Vestry, duties of, 13, 14 Vestry, rotation of, 67 Virginia Military Institute, 53 Virginia, University of, 43, 50, 55, 57, 70 Virginia, vestry opposed to division of Diocese of, 52 Walker, Joseph, sexton, 54, 69, 70 Wallace, A. Hansford, 96-98 Wallace, Judge A. Wellington, 39, 46, 50, 59, 64, 66, 67, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99 Wallace, C. Wistar, 59, 99 \:vallace, Mrs. Victoria, 60, 100 Waller, Col. John, 6, 90 Waller, John, Jr., 90 Waller, William, 90 Wallis, Dr. A. N., 62 Wallis, Rev. Dr. Samuel A., 62 Warner, Mrs. Mary Phillips, 100 Warren County, 3 Washington, Augustine, 6 Washington, Charles, 91 Washington, George, vii, 14-, 20, 27, 37 Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis, 15 Washington, Mrs. Mary Ball, 6, 100 Washington, Mildred, 9 Washington and Lee University, 57 Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, 6 Waterhouse, John, 60, 93, 94 Wattleworth, Charles, 97 Waugh, Rev. Abner, 23, 24, 88. 124 The History of St. George's Episcopal Church Waugh, Alexander, 23 Waugh, Rev. John, 23 Weedon, George, 22, 91 Welch, John, 91 Wellford, Dr. Robert, 92 "Westview," Brunswick County, 53 Wheatle, George, 90 Wheeler, Mrs. D. D., 67 Wheeler, Mrs. Nannie, 100 Whittle, Bishop Francis M., 56 Wicomico Parish, 25 Wilderness, battle of, 40 William and Mary, College of, 16, 23, 37 Williams, Bishop, 61 Williams, Rev. Walter M., 45 Willis, Col. Henry, 9 Willis, J. W., 91 Willis, Lewis, 91 Wilmer, Rev. \Villiam H., 26 Wilmer Parish, Farmville, 64 Wind storms, damage to church building in 1856, 36; in 1896, 36 Wise, Henry A., Jr., 37 Women, some contributions of, 23, 27, 28,,31, 34, 43, 47, 48, 50, 52, 54, 59: 60, 65, 69, 71-73, 100 Wood," William, 91 Woodberry Forest School, 69, 70 Woodin~; Aubin Corbin, 71, 97 Wooding, Charles Clifton, 71 Wooding, Ida, 71 Wooding, Lewis Augustus, 71 Wooding, Lewis Emmett, 71 Woodville, Rev. John, 22, 88 World War II memorial organ, 71 Wright, John, 91 Wright, Washington, sexton, 39, 54 Wyatt, F. J., 92 Yale University, 32 Yates, Charles, 91 Yellow Church, 16 Young, Edgar M., Sr., 69, 70, 96, 98 Young, Edgar M., Jr., 70 Young, John J., 93-95, 99