Charles Sydnor, St. George’s at the end of 1995

Editor’s note – This was the first report in the 1995 Congregational Reports. At that time each commission produced a separate report and the bound reports were presented at the Congregational meeting. It shows the church in transition in mission, personnel, and facility planning.


In 1995, my role as your Rector continued to evolve in response to the reality of our having grown from a pastoral sized congregation to a program sized congregation. This has meant shanng leadership and serving as spiritual guide and coach in the planning of our ministry and mission which is implemented by our commissions and committees. It has meant facing the challenge to remain a caring, people-centered community while developing new shapes of ministry consistent with our needs. For example, in 1995. we have focused on providing opportunities for community, support and friendship in small groups such as Supper Club, Super Seniors Luncheons, new member gatherings, and emerging Foyer Groups, recognizing that whenever we gather for fun or for work we are there in Christ’s name for each other.

My commitment to AIM2000 remains a priority as we enter the next part of the first fund raising phase with renewed energy and leadership. We are investing in our future as we renew, refurbish and expand our facility.

I am deeply grateful for the support, vision, leadership and plain hard work of our Vestry and Wardens in helping us develop appropriate models and staffing for this evolving ministry.

On March 20. 1996, we will give thanks for the outstanding career of Elizabeth Roberson as our Parish Secretary for 36 years.

In June, we will give thanks for the remarkable ministry of Avis Harris as our full-time Volunteer Coordinator of Christian Education as she chooses to move from that role and continue ministry among us in other ways. In June, well also say “good-bye” and thank you to Kim Bean, whose part-time ministry as Youth Assistant will conclude with the arrival of a full-rime Lay Director of Christian Education & Youth.

These changes present the challenge and opportunity to implement our new model of ministry with new staff and positions. After careful research. I believe our new positions—Parish Administrator, Word Processor/Receptionist and Lay Director of Christian Education & Youth–will serve well our present and future needs. I am excited about the possibilities these changes bring and ask your prayers as we adjust to these new days. I am grateful for the commitment of this parish to our unity in Christ. for affording me the opportunity to service as Ecumenical Officer of the Diocese. for supporting many ecumenical events such as hosting the 1995 LARC Conference and for continuing to join in ministry and mission with other churches in our community.

I am especially grateful to the clergy members of our parish. The Rev. Bill Fregnall and The Rev. Joe Hauser for their friendship. insight, effective teaching and preaching, and availability for special needs.

On September 29. 1996. I will celebrate my 20th year as your Rector God has blessed and sustained us through good tunes and bad. Thank you for your care and support as we serve Christ together.

–Charles R. Sydnor, Jr., Rector