1990 Directory – “Celebrating 270 Years”

Both people and management systems changed to make 1990 an important year.

Kathryn Haymes pictured in earlier yearbooks retired as of Jan 1 as financial secretary. Her position was divided between Pat Thorburn who would enter the records on computer and George Van Sant who would organize the collection.  The church personnel included the rector, secretary, finance secretary, sexton, organist, curate office.

1990 was a change in that Jack Sutor came to St. George’s as an assistant. Yet some things never change – again a silver chalice was stolen – and then recovered.

It was also the year the Commission system went into effect. Commissions were approved in Jan 1989 retreat. The  idea was to involve more parishioners in Church affairs. “This new ministry of service will broaden the leadership pool, strengthen the management of the church and set clearer directives within the parish.”

The Vestry designated certain tasks to the commissions in 1989. Each of 6 commissions headed by non-Vestry member. In addition Vestry approved 5 committees, chaired by Vestry to “strengthen the management of the church.”

These were the following committees:

Building and Grounds
Planned Giving 

Vestry served as liaison to the following Commissions:

Service Commission
Capital Planning and Historical Preservation Commssion  – new in 1990
Worship and Music Commision
Evangelism, Faith and Fellowship
Pasteral Care

The Church ended 1989 with deficit of $19,908 which was payable from cash on hand and from reserve. For 1990, pledges were up 42% and a balanced budget presented for approvals.

In 1990, Ed Dinger was elected Junior Warden and David Adams Sr.

1990 was a positive year for growth. The church began 1990 with 958 baptized members and added 30. It lost 19 for a gain of 11 to 969. The number of Communicants increased faster. Communicants were 632 in January and 655 at the end of the year for a gain of 23. Communicants provide a better indication of who was actually attending services.